Things haven't been going on that well recently...
My Grandma passed away last December on the 20th.
I was the only one at home with her when she passed away.
Well,what actually happened was that she had a heart attack.
A quick one though.
Without any struggling or sufferings.
My Grandma was perfectly fine,with no illness or whatsoever.
In fact,she's quite a healthy woman! :B
Ah well,she has already been on earth for 77 years.
So I suppose God feels that she'd already done enough and deserve to be with him above in Heaven and have eternal rest. :)
Anyway,I'm sure Grandma's feeling happy up there :)
On Wednesday night at about 11plus,my house phone rang.
It was my aunty who called saying that my cousin,Grace had passed away.
This time round,it's another different story.
My cousin had been in ICU for 40,50plus days.
Initially,her condition was improving.
Partly because the doctor gave her the strongest and best medicine.
Throughout these 40-50 days,she fought her best.
We just told her to stay strong,pray to God for a miracle and stuffs like that.
It's somehow amazing how one could survive such a long time in ICU.
It's ICU ok,not any other kind of ordinary hospital wards.
Oh fyi,ICU stands for intensive care unit. Those very critical ones.
So anyway,for the last 5days of her in there,she was really suffering,A LOT.
Her blood and oxygen level were just very low.
Much lower than a normal person's.
The medicine started to not have any effect...
Doctor even said that she's starting to die..
Her heart beat was going at 147 per min.
That's when after you'd run a 200m sprint of something.
Imagine that rate of heart beat going on for 24hours!?!?!?
We can't take it for even 3mins. And Grace went through that for 24 hours or more.
My aunty(known as Nayi) came back from Germany on the last week when she knows that her condition was worsening.
Grace couldn't get to sleep because she was rather excited that Nayi came back from Germany.
They both are very close,they even have sleepovers at each other places whenever Nayi's in town.
Grace not only fought of herself but also for us.
Then on Wednesday night, Nayi & her group of friends were praying over her.
One of her friend felt that Grace is holding on unto something that can't bear to let go...
It's her family who's always telling her to be strong and fight her best.
So,her mum & dad talked to her,
told her that since she's suffering so much, go tell God what she wants and that her family members will always support her in all her decisions that she makes.
And after that,she nodded her head.
So immediately after that ,she closed her eyes ,talked to God.
Grace's heart beat started to drop tremendously.
Like from 147 to 80 to 60 and slowly to 0 ...
Her family members still did not know that she had passed away.
They thought that she felt asleep or something.
Until the Doctor went into the room and pronounced her dead.
Grace actually typed out three veeeeeeeeeeery long email about her condition and stuffs before she passed away.
It's very touching,sigh..
Words just couldn't express how we felt.
It's just,a huge devastation that we actually lost her.
But on the other hand,we're happy that God healed her completely to bring her home with him.
Rest in peace my dear cousieeeeeee!! :)
We'll miss youuuuuuuuuuu !
Lastly,teach all of us to be strong alright. :)
I'm gonna take a picture of SMILEY & Zoobert!
Smiley's Grace's more than 10years of soft toy.
And,Zoobert's Avelyn's soft toy. :)
Going for dinner soon.
Will try to update more often..