This March holidays is just plain boring okay!
Except for Wednesday,I guess?
Cause,I practically stayed at home the whole day except for going out for lunch,dinner,visit my cousin..
So anyway,we went Sentosa on Wednesday.
The sun was not very hot,but yet I wonder why am I still getting sunburned.. :S
Met all of them at Serangoon at about 1030.
Apparently,I was the last person to arrive.
Think they all waited for me for quite long...
Hehe,thanks & sorry huh. (:
So,the people who went .........

From the top left,Nova, Samuel, Jerome, Jasmin, Gerrad, Gerald, Gina,
Ernest, Ryan, Me, Baby, Kenneth. (;
Had our lunch at about 3plus,thn headed back to Vivo.
Went to the National geographic shop which totally smells of Jelly beans,haha.
They paid $1 to have a chance to enter a huge big container where it's freezing cold.
With a temperature of below 0 Degree Celsius.
But of course,only go inside for 30seconds though.
Otherwise,will be frozen lor. Haha,imagine a frozen human being.
Went Meridian,they played dota.
While I went to look for Melissa & Rowena.
Chit-chatted here and there.
Went back to the lan shop while Melissa&Rowena had to go back to their church.
Left that place at about 8.
Took a train back home.
And oh,after 3weeks-one month...................
My eye has finally un-swell.
My mum says it's infection because of my contact lens.
Ah well,I'm lazy to change the solution,as always.
So,that's why my right eye got infected.
Also,I got my new pair of glasses which cost $200plus?!!?!
But anyway,not my money,heh.
I still don't understand why I went to choose such an expensive pair of glasses when I know that I wouldn't wear it everyday cause I would rather wear my contact lenses..
But anyway,I look like a totally smartyass alright. HAHA! 8)
Not much difference between my old pair of glasses and this new pair of glasses though.
Cause it's pretty much of the same color.
I'm gonna bathe after this and go to the hospital to visit my cousin.
She's critically-ill,in ICU okay..
Doctor says she's dying ............):
But anyway,I believe in miracles.
Get well soon,Gracieeeeeeeee!! :)
P/s: School in 3 days time!! :) / :(