OH,before I start,please ignore this post?
I'm posting out how I feel. Tyvm (:
Having terrible mood swings every now and then.
Especially in school.
And whenever I'm at home,I'll feel.....lifeless.
Whenever I'm at home,I feel like going to school.
But whenever I'm in school,I just don't feel like listening to the lessons.
Oh well,no choice after all eh.
I always have a feeling...bad feeling I guess. When I'm at home.
Just after something happened around end of last year?
Especially when I'm alone at home.
I'm very very certain that no one else would feel that same as I am.
The fear of dark,
The fear of death,
The fear of disobedience,
The fear of sleeping,going to bed at night,
The fear of many things.
It's difficult to think positively cause I'd recently just sort of encountered it?
Don't know why but it's difficult for me to listen to whatever people around me say or rather,ask me to do.
Shall just try to move on with whatever things I always do in the past?
Btw,don't worry,I'll be fine soon.
Just a matter of time. (:
I know,you may think that my attitude has changed,a lot.
But please,bear with it alright.
Am really sorry for those tantrums or whatever you call them.
I'm trying my best to change and not to have mood swings?
You too must do your part also la k. Heh.
6more days. (: