These few days were rather..... fine?
Everyday after school is either I got trainings,or hanging out with baby and co.
School on Friday was the mostttttt slack day ever since school reopened.
Aww,how I wish school would be like that everyday.
Psssst,I think I'm thinking too far. Cause,it wouldn't happened. o:
Haha,anyway,social studies was the first lesson was social studies,just had to copy notes.
Had recess,thn had DNT.
Dnt for one hour,in class. What we did was to just stare at the screen,and copy notes(for our own good,LOL.)
So,the teacher on Friday was also quite kind as well luh. He was rather understanding and such,haha.
After DNT was,english. Relief teacher. And,he let us off 10mins earlier.
So overall,we were released at 11.50.
Heheh,not the best/most slack day in my secondary school life though.
saturday,all I did was to chat online. Msn and all. Especially with baby,hehh.
Thn,left house at about 3plus,4 and went to church.
After catechism,went compass point to find Esther&co for awhile.
Mum called me,cause we had to go and visit my cousin at hospital.
She's still in ICU lor. ):
But,she's getting better though. (:
This morning woke up early in the morning,went church.
Thn went to kovan for breakfast/lunch.
Came home and stayed home the whole day till now.
I misssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss baby ):