Just that I forced myself to stay awake no matter what.
Especially when there were two tests today.
Ah well,Chemistry test went pretty alright,cause I did studied for it. :)
While,I totally screwed the whole Physics test up. D:
I only wrote the answer which I barely did calculations. -.-
So,Mr Chang went,"Why no working? Thn how you expect me to give you the marks huh?"
Hate Physics,hate physics,hate physics. Tskxzxzszx!
Our recess today was at,9'oclock !!!
Not sure if it's a good or bad thing 'cause it's rather early.
But anyway,school ended at 12.30 today.
Had our lunch at Macdonalds just now. Fattening you know!!! Awww ):
Went to look for Melissa & co after that.
Walked back together with them to school.
And thn,walked to the MRT with Pearlyn.
So,what happened was that,after we tapped in,we went down to the platform and waited for our trains.
While waiting,I asked Pearlyn this, "Are you kind enough to wait for my train to come? :) "
And her reply was, "Yes,if you lend me $20 or so."
Me, "Huh? Why,what you want to buy?"
Pearlyn, "Er,I want to buy a lot of things. I want to buy flats from cotton-on also."
Me, "Really? Their flats nice meh? "
Pearlyn, "Yah,got a lot vintage stuffs there."
Me, "Okok,you want go see now? I lend you money. "
Pearlyn, "Huh? Really ah? "
Me, "Yah,okay."
HAHAHA. Sooooooo,we tapped out and walked back to Hougang Mall. HAHA.
Went to Cotton-on. The flats there are kind of vintage,but,the design I like don't have my size!! ):
So uh,only Pearlyn bought the flats. Haha.
Went Chamelon, thn to M.A.D and thn to Mini toons.
Bought stuffs.
Heh,I think I spent quite a lot of money today.
Walked to the Interchange and took 89 home.
Btw,these to pictures below were taken on Monday.
*Don't mind the blur-ness of it please. (:

Apparently,Mrs Chin was the photographer for this photo!
Which made us laughed. HAHAHA. So,we had to stop laughing,settle down and smile to the camera once again. HAHA.
Btwbtwbtw,Mrs Chin doesn't have any skills in taking. Cause firstly,she doesn't even know how to hold the phone. She holds the phone upsidedown k! -___-
Anyway,Monday match,we were against Chong Boon secondary.
Won them 5-0.
Haha. And there was this girl whom we name her, "Xiao Ah lian".
She's my opponent okay! Damn bitch. But anyway,she kept smiling to me for no reason.
And also,before the match,she told another girl saying,"Eh,wo men qu gen ta men zuo hao peng you xian leh!"
Which means, Eh,we all go and make good friends with them first ley!
The "them" refers to us btw.
Think that "Xiao ahlian" got some .... problem? o_o.
Urgh,this post is getting a little way to long.
Shall end here then.
Ciaoszxzxz. (: