Today's lessons made it seem as though it's a rather longgggggggg day.
Got back our chemistry test results. Scored 31/40 which is 79% .
Buuuuuuuuuut,my physics maths totally screwed my entire science marks up okay!!!!!!!!!!! So frustrating!
Scored 13/40 for Physics which is 32.5% !??!?!?!!
So adding Physics and Chemistry both up,I only scored about 55 % for Science?!?!?!
Physics is totally a killer la!
Only three students in our class passed while the rest failed.
Anyway,I think the marks I scored was rather .......... ):
Another unexpected maths was my English.
I almost failed for goodness sake.
I scored exactly 50% overall please!
Don't know what's wrong though. Awww. ):
Among the many tests we were given,comprehension questions are like the 90% among them?
You knowwwwwww,I hateeeeeeeeeeeeeee compreshion,tsk.
So,I studied for my maths test last night.
But today's paper ended up to be......... very tough. Tsk.
Doubt I can pass? Or even if I were to pass,it'll be a boarder line pass.
There's DNT test tmr?!?!?!?! Wtfffffuckzxzszx.
And,I just realised that Mrs Lum isn't the Art teacher.
Miss Lini were saying that if we were to take art this year,Mrs Lum would be our teacher.
That's the reason why I dint take up art ok!
Now,who knows......She isn't the art teacher.
And I really really really feel like switching over to art class k!
Not sure if it's possible though.
Totally regretted.
DNT is a verrrrrrry....hopeless subject that will lead you to nowhere...... -.-
Made a freaking wrong decision.
So annoying.
Especially whn there's practical. Totally hate it.
Btw,if you have noticed,my right eye is a little swollen.
Not only today,but I think it had been swollen for 1week plus already?
Don't know wtf is wrong with it.
My eye bags are godamned heavy as well laaaaa.
I've got a phobia of sleeping now,don't ask me why.
Isn't related to eye bags f.y.i.
It's 6.21 pm now and I'm still in my school uniform.
Frankly speaking,it's cause I'm lazy to get changed. Heh. :x
I've got the feeling that my both legs/thighs are starting to heat up.
No idea why.
I can feel the heat,seriously. o_o.
I'm bored,so that's why I'm posting a loooooooong post.
Mind me.

One more last pic to end this post.
Taken with LIN PEIRONG on Monday,if I'm not wrong,haha.