So I'm finally back after 4days.
Dint have the time to post,hah.
Shall try to recall what happened during the past few days.
Tuessday,woke up.
Kinda forgot what I did/where I went.
Jezebel texted me asking me to give her a call.
So,called her. And she said,Esther asked if we wanna follow them to work or not.
Prepared & everything.
Met Danny&Matias at the saloon.
Bi & Joel then came.
Walked to mall.
Met Jezebel at the entrance of Mall.
Went up to arcade.
At 4.30,accompanied Bi to bus stop. Cause he had to go for his dental appointment.
Walked back to mall,met Jezebel,Danny&Joel at Kfc entrance.
Went to Interchange to meet Amelia,Yuke,Bronna,Huimin&Esther.
Jezebel,Esther,Bronna,Huimin&I boarded the bus while Amelia&Yuke dint.
Took 325,alighted at Hougang green.
Somewhere near there uh.
Esther&Huimin tried calling the guy,but he dint pick up.
Or should I say,the Boss. Lol.
Went to Jezebel's house. As it's just NEARBY.
A few blocks away only.
She wanted to take something.
Slacked there for about 20-30mins?
Walked to Hougang Ave 8 to look for Amelia&co.
Couldn't see them,so sat at Macs while waiting for them.
Then soon,Bi,Amelia,Yuke&Joel came.
Slacked at Macs,then took bus to Mall.
Went to Hougang Mall Macs.
Bought Bubble tea. LOL.
Waited for people here and there luh.
Eat Macs already,then went to KFC.
Sat there for quite sometime.
Then,Bi went to buy food.
Ate then left Hougang Mall for home.
Heh,I cracked my brain for 3mins but yet,I still can't recall where I exactly went/did.
OH,met Bi at Hougang Interchange.
Took bus 74 to Amk Hub.
Walked around,then went to Macs to have my lunch.
Danny&Jezebel then came.
Waited for Joel.
Took bus back to Hougang.
Esther,Amelia&Yuke then came.
Had noodles at Hougang Plaza.
Saw Dylan&Nicholas.
Walked to 304.
Came across this old man,who's nuts ok!
He kept thinking that we wanna take picture of him and kept changing seat. Lol. -,-
Went home at about 10plus.
Reached home at about 11.05?
Thursday,which is yesterday.
Woke up at 12.20pm.
Hahahaah,damn late I tell you~ x;
Prepared and everything,
Then took a bus down to Hougang Mall to meet Melissa&Pearlyn.
Went to 5th floor,slacked a little while.
Pearlyn&Melissa wanted to go Pc Bunk.
Soooo,I went to Amelia's house.
Waited for her to bathe,then walked to Esther's house.
Initially,Esther asked us to wait at her house void deck,but we were bored.
So went up to her house.
HAHA,we were outside her house for quite sometime.
walked to 304 .
Went to look for Yuke.
Bi soon came.
Some things occured.
And my bloody slipper broke.
Ok,never mind.
Wore Bi's slipper.
Heeeeeeeh,thank youuuuuuu! :B
Walked back to 304.
Bronna soon came with an extra pair of slippers.:)
Thank you tooo:)
Went 309,bought fries&drinks.
Went back to 304.
Left that place at 8plus.
Reached home at 8.50.
This morning,I woke up with a terrible non-stop sneezing fluuuuuuuuu. >;
My nose's veeeeeeeeh red now ok!
Andandand,I'm sooooooo bored. >;
HEHEHEH,my voice's changed!
Not voice break but because I'm having flu luh.
Have been home since morning till now ok!
Probably gonna take a nap later on.
Another thing is that,should I change my blogskin?
Or should I not?
Hit me with an answer alright! 8)
Dang,my blog post is,
So not interesting,
and yes,the list goes on.
No piccccccys ! >;
Think I hafta go to church tonight.
All saints day/All souls day?
Either one.
Forgot which one already. x;
Buuaiiiixxxzzzz. :)
P/s,I'm not a twitter,don't be mistaken. 8)
Replies to tags:
♥SockChing ; Hahaha,in the end,probation for 6months only! Heheh,don't go around doing the wrong things during these 6months ok! :)
clarc ; Haha,yes,me tooooo. ):
gwyneth ; Hah,like duh! She is lah! Yesss,super kpo! She should just spend her free time burning fats. Hohoho:D
Esther♥; Esthaaaaaaa :D
Krichelle ; Hahaha,should I go, "Qiqiiiiiii!" ? HAHA!
Esther♥ ; HAHAH,No one's blaming her. BUT,blaming you! :B
audrey[: ; Nueeeer,yes,I'm fine! How about you? Haha,yup,soooon!<3>ger ; YESSSSS,glad you know that! Next time tell me if you're coming or not ok~
Melissa♥ ; Haha,YES,tomorrow as in,your brother will know something. =your doomsday. GOODLUCKKKKKKK :)
PEILING ; Take care. 8)
(RO)WENA! ; Hah,thank youuuuu. You attending service this Saturday? Loveee!♥
DENYCE ; Yesyes,I saw youuuu!:) Alright,very soon yeah! ♥ you too!
Joey say ; Dead already. Never update. ;x
stacey ; HIIIIIIIIII! :)
[♥]ć¨Jotina ; Hahaha,love me? Of course can lah!:) HAHA,don't worry lah!
Me <3s>
DENYCE ; Yesyes,I saw youuuu!:) Alright,very soon yeah! ♥ you too!
Joey say ; Dead already. Never update. ;x
stacey ; HIIIIIIIIII! :)
[♥]ć¨Jotina ; Hahaha,love me? Of course can lah!:) HAHA,don't worry lah!
Me <3s>