Today,school ended at 12.30.
I must say that I'm kinda confused about the dismissal time nowadays.
As in,I'm not sure if they're following accordingly to the actual time table and such.
Went to the computer lab to do our option form thingy.
After assembly,that is.
Slacked in class,then was recess.
Our class dismissed ourselves 15mins earlier.
Went up to class,forgot what we did alr.
Just free period for us to roam about? x;
Chinese teacher came in,chit-chatted with whoever while the rest did our own things.
Miss Lini came in and gave out ourrrrrrrr,test paper and stuffs.
NOT ALL the test papers though.
Bell rang,class dismissed.
Sat at the sofa there,walked to Hougang mall with Bi and Danny.
Went to find Melissa&company.
Walked back with them to school.
Sat over there and chit-chatted awhile.
Went to Hougang Macs to find Esther,Huimin,Joey,Bronna,Yuke&Amelia.
Saw Jotina&her bf.
Went to NTUC to buy some party neeeeeds.
Tidbits and such.
Brought them to Bronna's houseeeee.
Left her house at about 5.45.
Walked to 809 alone while Amelia,Esther&Huimin went home.
Met Bi there,
Danny,Joel&Nova then came.
I left at about 6.50.
Went to Compass point to get some medicineeeeeeee.
Anddddddd,I'm always getting stomach aches recently lor.
Sooo many different kinds of stomach pains.
Appendix pain,gastric,stomach cramps,stomach pain and everything._.
Tmr's gonna be the last day of schoooooooool. ):