Had a very very horrible dream last night.
I think I dreamt about A LOOOOOOOOOOOOT of things as well.
Kinda forgot what is it exactly about.
But I just remembered that I cried. ;x
Hahahahaha,sounds stupid eh.
Slept at 12 plus near 1 last night.
Or should I say,this morning.
Anywayy,today was a boring day.
Yes,veeeeeeeeeeeery ok!
First,I woke up at around 11plus this morning.
So,I onlined Msn.
Chatted with Bi.
And after awhile,he gotta follow Nova to some places for his appointment.
Sooooo uh,was boreeeeeeeeeeed.
Mummy asked me to teach my Brother Chinese.
I tell you,teaching my Brother regardless of what Subject=vomit blood. -,-
I gotta teach him his Chinese Ting xie. [Chinese Spelling]
There are like,40 Cheng yu he gotta learn.
So yeah,up till now,I still haven't succeed to teach him well.
And he's already in bed.
Heh,I've got nooooooooo idea how I survived but yes,I did. :)
Used the computer for the whole day,I suppose?
Left house at around 6plus,7 and went for dinner with my family.
Plus my Aunty from Germanyyyyyy! :)
Initially we went to some restaurant at Hougnag but it was like,damnnn packed.
So headed to somewhere else in Serangoon.
Had dinner there.
Went to my Cousin's house to visit my Cousin.
But she was asleeeeeep.
So,my brothers played some card games while I went to watch teeeeeveeeee.
Heh,yes,I know I seldom watch Television.
But was rather bored ok!
So yeah,that was my last resort of killing my boredom?
Otherwise,I'll fall asleep,I suppose?
Left Cousin's place at about 9plus 'cause my Brothers have got Exams tomorrow.
Hohoho,it's like,they're having Exams while I'm having my holidaaaaaaaaay.
Bored-out. /:

Good girls don't lie,bad girls don't cry./♥