Woke up at 5.30 in the morning!
Whoooooooooo,love the cooling breeze! :)
Bathed and everything.
But I still left house as per normal because yeah,still hafta wait for my daddy to wake up and get ready to fetch me.
Saw many of my classmates in the canteen and I was like wondering why they dint go up to class.
Shirley told me because we can't withdraw the class key or whatsoever.
So,sat in the canteen for a little while.
Then went to find Bi.
Assembly and Maths lesson after that.
Got back Maths paper one.
And,I failed._.
Hell! -.-
Chinese lesson,got back all the papers.
Alllllllll border line passes except for the fact that .....................
I failed Chinese listening comprehension.
Highest in class/level - 14/20.
HAHAHA,Can't believe it.
But never mind,cause i can't believe something else more than this.
Lowest in class/level - 6/20.
But anyway,I got c5 for my Chinese,I think.
O_O !
Yes,I'm mothafuckingstupid and I totally suck in Chinese.
Don't know what happened either.
Like suddenly suck so much in that particular subject ._.
Science paper,I FAILED.
I always fail Science.
Cause I detest that subject the most!
Oh,not really actually.
Maybe I detest Geography a teenyweenybit more than i detest Science.
I got the lowest in my band lor! -.-
Or is it Chenxiao?!?!?!
But all I know is that Chenxiao & I are the only two person who failed Science in my band class.
I think I should go and make friends with her manszxzxzx ! :D / D:
English paper,passed,but forgot how much I scoreeed for the main paper.
Yes,STM. D:
But pass can alr! :)
PW lesson,
Nothing happeneeeeeeeed :D
Went for lunch at KFC with Bronna&Esther.
Bi came to take his wallet from me.
Yuke came to find us.
Jotina came to pass me something.
Fifth floor toilet after lunch.
Walked to 363 and then to 332 to slack.
Jotina came down with her cousin.
HAHA,damn cute cannnnnnnnnnzzxszxz! :D
Only wear diapers eh!
Bought cheese fries at 309.
Went to Amelia's house.
Amelia was so freaked out by a sms lor!
And kept asking us what to do,who's that person._.
Like we'll know like that. LOL!
Walked to the nearest bus stop where I have bus to take home.
Took 72 to Interchange and took 27 homeeee.
:D:D !
Lydia ; Hello! Aha,you too! Take care and see you too!:)
[u]jezebel{=[/u] ; Loool?
Sera ; Ahnorrrh,agree. Don't know who come and find trouble keep staring at me/us first lor.
[♥]ć¨Jotina ; Hahaha,alright! Updateed lah! Andand,I think I'm gonna pity your future kids. Torture them until like that. Lol!
Justin; Love you too!♥
alicia ; Eheheh,first of all,i don't exactly understand what shiate you're talking about. Cause they're total broken english. With only a punctuation mark at the end of every tag.
So like please please please go and get your english corrected before coming here and b!tch. Especially b!tch about things that you don't know. You don't even know the wholeeeee story,what foor come and argue/scold? And oh,for your information,this is my blog leh,not yours. You don't have to care sooooo much about what i write/say,right? And yes,"so what if i own this blog"? Yup,I own this blog,what can you do? Stop me from writing all these things meh? -,- I who? I Matilda lah. Then,who are you to come and scold/argue here,hur? My laobu ah?-.- Yes,she's siao. Ignore her? Aiyoooh,don't step one leh. You won't find it annoying when people disturb you meh? Cock leh._. Ahnorh,she keep on kicking my chair because SHE IS SIAO!
HAH,that's what you said lah. " no wonder she keep kicking your chair orbi." This sentence you said explains that you also think that she's siao that's why she kept on kicking my chair.
Yahlor,so what if she's siao? I dint say that there's a problem about her being siao after all.
It's just that you assumed i said it. Get your bloody facts right.
And whoaaaa,which eye{s} of yours saw/read that I said Stella have got no friends?
Did I? NO. Dumbfool!
Did I say that I'm scared of her? No,you DOUBLE DUMBFOOL. -________- !
Our school DM is MY school or YOURS?
If it's mine,I don't mind. Cause I'm stating the fact. And also,I'm not in the wrong.
So yup,who cares? -.-
If it's yours,DO I LOOK LIKE I FUCKING CARE? It's just a waste of time for me to bother about it lor.
OHHHHH! You hor here and there is your own language ah? I post on my blog about Stella is also my own business mah. NOYB lor,and please MYOB. =.=
Eheh,what's those asterisk ah? I don't know how to read leh. Be smart enough leh,don't you know that it'll be censored?
Waaaah,you warn me leh. You my who? Anyhow warn.
"even if i dont know the whole sotry dont need to say until peopel find trouble with you okay."
This sentence that you said is totally no link lor.
Yes,you don'tknow the whole story that's why you don't know that is she come and find trouble with me/us.