Wtfiswrongwithmyparents?!?!?!?!?!? Urghhhhh. !-____-
Anywayyyyy,reached school at about 7.05?
Then Bi came:)
Went down to the parade square for morning assembly.
First lesson was maths and Ms ang wasssssssss on MC, I suppose?
So yeah,free period!:)
We were in the Ava room,chit-chatting plus listening to songs and stuffs.
Hah,and i finally know how to do the art preparation work cause our relief teacher's our art teacher. :)
Chinese lesson was next.
Did nothing? /:
The teacher sorta asked us to do our own revision.
And omg lah,i thought Bi chinese composition ok!
HEH,this proves that my chinese ain't that lousy after all!:)
Drank a cup of barley for recess and smuggled a packet of cracker up to class.
Ate it during science.
Ms How was like superb furious today lah!
She stopped her lesson and scolded our class for like,4times?!
The last time was when she threw that ONE WHOLE PILE of science worksheet into the waste paper bin and said,class dismiss.
And she immediately left the class.
Or rather,physics lab.
Like wow? For the very first time,she's so so so angry lor!! o:
Ms Chin asked our class to do our own revision during English lesson.
But many of us did practically nothing!
PW lesson,some grroups did their presentation.
Then Mr Yeo came in and gave us our quiz.
Lol,i failed damn badly cansxzx! ))))))))))):
After school,went to find Miss Lini to give her the name list.
Uh,then went to the canteen.
Saw Jezebel,she was going to Macs to study with Melissa they all.
{LOL,but in the end,they also dint study.} HAHA!
So i stayed inthe canteen with Esther,Bronna&Yuke.
Went to Hougang Plaza to have my lunch with them.
Headed to sweetalk to buy bubble tea and back to school again.
We were drench lah,cause we ran under the rain. O:
Cleaned ourselves up in the toilet.
Bi came to find me.
Soooo all of us sat in the canteen.
Took out some science notes.
Read them for a little while and then starting chit-chatting. :X !
Mr Sim then chased us outta school cause there's night study for those Sec 4s.
Walked to the interchange with Bi and yeah:)
Urghhhhhhhhh,my stomach is killing me lahxzxzsxz! D;