Grah,i pretty much dragged myself here to blog. /:
BECAUSE OF ............... uhhhhhhhhhh. >;@
So had English paper one and two on Friday.
Wrote a composition on "Internet".
Supposedly,i chose something about Teenagers nowadays having lack of sleep.
But i somehow wrote until Online games and soooooooo,i decided to change the topic to "Internet".
I wrote 2 pages long filled with craps,of course.
Bah! /;
I think the composition i wrote is veeeeeery,wordy and always repeating the same things. O:
Hope i wouldn't fail though.
For paper 2,i think i flunk my summary writting lor! ):
We're only allow to get informations from paragraphs 2-4 leh!
Not much to write. D:
Sat in the canteen with different groups of pple?
Then Bel came.
Bought drinks,then went opposite to buy BubbleTea.
Saw Bi&company.
Then,went back to school.
That F-ing Suzzie damnit extra lahsxzx -,-
(Something occured here that made Suzzie nag._.)
Then,went for Miss Lini's tuition,
Did one set of Maths paper.
Hoooyeah,i somehow know how to do Simultaneous equation alr!:)
Somehow,which means,still a smalllittletinyweeny beginner. o;
Went NTUC to buy some stuffs.
Till then,Bi still didn't call me,so i went homeeeeeeee.
LOL,and he called me at around 7 plus.
Should have called him right after my tuition lor-.-
Wanted to go for the Teenagers upcoming exams mass.
But in the end,i dint.
Yesterday,went to Boonlay alone to collect my bag.
and i emphasize ALONE!
It's like my veeeeeeery first time travelling for sooo long/far alone okay!
Dint feel bored & lonely leh! o.o
Managed to survive,yo!:D
Okay lah,i think i better stop self-praising._.
Called Bi.
Then,went to Cathay to find them.
Walked to Meridian.
Played pooled.
Went to lan for awhile.
Dint use the computer though.
Sat over there.
Went to Plazasing to have our dinner.
Saw Ms Loke. O:
Went to Parklane after that.
He sent me back to Sengkang & I reached home at about 1030.
Andoh,since i dint study for the whole of yesterday,i'm reallyreallyreally gonna start mugging alr.
Can't delay anymoreeeeeeeee D:
So yup,bye! I'm off to studyyyyyyyy!:)