Lessons today were soooooooooooooooooooo relax,i can say.
Geography lesson,MG allowed us to do whatever we liked.
Or no,she did went through some questions.
But overall,it was pretty easygoing.
Yeap,nothing much.
Mathematics lesson,we were made to sit outside of the class.
Cause we were like,5mins late.
Sometimes i really can't understand Ms ang lor.
She's alwayssssssss late. and she can be up to half&hour late.
So Jezebel,Jacqueline and I decided to walk a little slower?
Unfortunately,Ms Ang taught 2Unity before our period.
Sooooooo yeah,she wouldn't be late lah!
Damnit,just count our luck! -,-
Aha,so sat outside watch the classes playing volleyball while Jacqueline&Jezebel chitchatted and laughed like mad. Lol.
Science lesson was like,just putting my head on the table and copying down blindly those Multiple choice questions.
Heh,at least i dint talk okay!:)
HuiMin's mood is like uberly down laaaaahsxzx,
Cheeeeeeer up,girl!:)
We some sorta had a free-period during Chinese lesson.
Because the teacher allowed us to do whatever we liked!:)
Many of us were on earpiece. Haha.
Andyeah,including me.
Sooooo,i kinda fell asleep.
Urgh,don't know why sooooooo tired luh.
No choice,i just can't keep myself awake. o:
After school,wanted to walk to Hougang Mall then it started to pour very heavily.
Soooo went to borrow an umbrella from the security guard.
But it's like totally no difference lor.
Still was wet.
Heh,but never mind.
Went to Bluez with Esther,Bronna&Rina.
Bought Sweetalk back.
Had our lunch in school.
Rina went off first/
Attended Miss Lini's tuition.
Searched for many pictures for our art preparation work.
Stayed back till 6 plus.
Walked to blk 462 to find Nova.
Bi&Nova sent me to Interchange.
Uhhhh,then i took bus home.
Okkkay,i'm offfffff!
Too much of you is never enough.