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Happy Teachers' Dayyyyyyy!:D
Okay,let's talk about yesterday first. :}
Hmmm,he dint come school again luh.
Was sick. ):
Shan't say!:@
But anyhoooo,school life still went on as per normal.
The only difference is that we were VERY busy making that board for Miss lini. :)
Miss Chin gone mad during English lesson.
Screaming like some mad woman having depression.
Wtf, ~!@!@$*&*%
Can really go crazy.
And she was screaming at us because we're not doing the right thing during her lesson.
Was making the board luh.
Lol,think she's jealous aye. ;x
Once the bell rang,everybody started doing what they're suppose to do.
Arrange the tables and chairs.
HuiMin decorated the board.
Melisa & I went to find Liwen and the rest telling them what are our plans and we're gonna be late.
Shirley went to find Miss Lini lying to her that there's a fight in class. Ahaha!:D
Jerome making sound effects of a fighting scene.
And finally,Miss Lini came up to class.
Gave her a surprise.
And she said,she's toucheddddddd!:D
Grah,she's a good teacher lor!
Why must sheeeeeeee go for further studies at the end of this year!!!!! ):
Oh btw,she got nominated for the National best teacher. :D:D !
So went down to Ava room and had our Lce lesson. :)
Went to the space for a little while to support Jezebel's performance.

Was suppose to meet him at the interchange but he missed the bus. ;o
Soooo,mom fetched me to punggol park.
Had x-country.
Was half walking & half running with Jezebel,Esther,Rina&Bronna.
Performanceeeee~ Boring luh. /;
Went to Primary school with Amelia,Bronna,Jezebel&Esther.
Most of the teachers couldn't regonise me alr. D';
Went to the canteen after that.
OHOH,the ice cream stall auntie is still as XL as ever.
Amelia should know why! Damn fucked up leh that auntie ;@
Kay calm down.. =.=

Went to blk 312 there settle something o.o
Took a bus to Kovan.
Went Macs and then to Mall.
Slacked at stage there.
Trained home with Jezebel cause she needa reach home asap.


Shucks,i've been getting real sleepy in class these days,
Especially during lessons.
And at times when i'm sleepy,i'll have moodswings.
Awww, D;
Lunched at HM foodcourt.
Then Jezebel came to my house.
P/s,i seriously needa go on diet. Urgh! :|
Pp/s,i'm not doing my job as a class monitor. I'm useless lah. Seriously,what's the point of holding a pose when i'm not contributing any meaningful thing for the class? Screeewthishimanszxzxzzzx. /:
I seriously don't know what to do.
First thing firstttttttttttttt, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO ME!
Alright,pictures taken in school on Friday!:)

Estha & I!:)


*Ooppps,Siew Hui's in the middle of Estha & I! o:
Pictures were taken during PE lesson,btw.
Because Mr Thong dint come,and yeah,relief teacher luh.
Early recess,if i'm not wrong.
Kinda forget alr.
Then,English lesson after recess.
Was practically doing nothing.
Just stoning there.
Yeah,was very tired/;
At the end of English lessons,
My dear friends gave me the board that they made!
Omgoshlah,they're damn sweet cansxzxzxzx!!! :D:D!
Btwbtw,before i continue,
I wanna thank,
and all those who had contributed a sentence/word/phrase in that board.:)
{Sorry,i can't remember all of y'.}
Love the board a loooooooooooooot kayszxzz!:)
So after school,went to get my contacts with Boyfriend&Jezebel. :D
Then,went back to school for some Cca stuffs.
While he went home.
Went to look for Jezebel&Melissa outside the library.
They were having supplementary lesson with Miss Lini.
Waited for them to finish their comprehension.
Gaahhhzx,waited for them for quite long! ;x;x;x
Took bus back home.
Bathed,Changed & everything.
Met Jezebel at Hougang Mall.
Then walked to Hougang plaza to meet him.:)
Had our dinner there,
Then Danny came.
Went to lan.
Was there until about 11? o,o
Went to Kovan Macs to meet Melissa,Weiqi,Pearlyn,Rowena.
After 15mins,they got to go.
So stayed there for a while more.
Managed to catch the last MRT train,
So took a train back to Sengkang with Him&Danny.
He took a cab home,Danny took his bus and i walked home.:)
Bathed,got ready for bed.
Yeh,was damn freaking sleepy alr.
Messaged him and went to sleep.
Yesterday,Woke up at about 7.
And couldn't go back to sleep.
Don'tknow why luh. x_x.
Prepared then left house for training.
Played a few double matches, pairing with Nicolette against Erin&Candice.
Kinda training for our cheers tournament.
&Uhuh,coach came at 11. o.o
Did normal stretchings,and footworks. o.o
Left at about 12.15.
Immediately rushed home.
Took a bus to Hougang.
Met Jezebel at Hougang mrt.
Walked to interchange to meet boyfriend.
Took bus 89.
called Huimin to board the 89 bus.
So in other words,we met them in thebus luh. :)
Btw,them=Huimin, Danny, Matias & Joel.
Alighted at Downtown east.
Went to Wildwildwet. :D
Yeah,it was kinda drizzling.
So pretty cold~
But actually,cold better than having sunburns? ;x
At about o515,it rained. o;
So decided to go and take a shower.
Showered alr,then went to Macs to get some finger food?
Took a bus to Pasir Ris interchange and then took MRT to Marina Bay.

Btwbtw,this auntie was captured by Huimin with my phone.
She freaking killed a beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
omgosh,kinda cruel.
Awww. x;
And another thing,
during our MRT journey,Joel actually gave up his seat for a pregnant aunty.
Kinda unbelievable eh!
Slacked at Marina Bay MRT station for a while,deciding where to go to have our dinner.

Cause our intention of alighting at Marina Bay is for Steamboat.
But all the steamboat all close alr.
So after 20mins of deciding,
We took a train down to Bugis.
Had Sakae sushi while Jezebel,Huimin&Joey had Yoshinoya{sp}. x;
Walked to sheesha after dinner.
Stayed at sheesha till 1115,if i'm not wrong.
Left that place with Boyfrined,Jezebel&Danny while HuiMin,Joey&Matias stayed there.
Waited for damn bloody long for that damn 107 bus. -.-
By the time we alighted at Hougang Interchange,it was alr 122o.
So no more bus services and i had no other choices than to take a cab home. o;
Reached home at about 12.4o.
Alrightt,i think i'm done with this post alr.
G'bye! :D
P/s, Huge thank-you to those who wished & bought me gifts. Lovey'guys!:)
Was late for school today! D:
And urghhhh,I made my dear Justin & Jezebel late! x;
Feel damn guilty! Grrrrrrrrr.. :C
Sorrayeeeeeeeeeee~ x;
Went to the coffeeshop after school for lunch.
&Uhuh,headed to Heartland Mall.
Bought stuffs!
Pssssssstt,i spent lotsa money today! o;
Don't feel like blogging alr!
Seey' folks!:)
P/s,Two more daysssssssssssssss to my birthdayyyyyyyy!:D
Pp/s, Three more days to Esther's birthdayyyyyy!:D

So met himmmmmm at the interchange this morning and walked to school.
I think we reached school at a perfect timing.
Don't ask me why! I just feel so. ;x
Lessons today were kinda slack.
Or should i say,very?
Even Math lesson!
Ms Ang released us like,10mins earlier!
Ms Ang only taught us a new topic today.
Dot diagram,quite easy can!
She only took like 10mins to teach us.
After that,she asked us to do a few questions.
And we got released after that.
Heaheah,i dint even complete those questions lor! ;x
Geography,relief teacher!
Andand,she's Miss Seow if i'm not wrong.
She's the one who acted in the changing point,season two!
She's Miss Tan in that show!
Those of you who watch will know~
Hahahaa,we took a photo with her and she was like so paranoid 'cause she's afraid that the DM would walk pass and see us using our phones.
Recess,was released kinda early(:
Chinese was veeeeery slack.
Only did my oral thingy,and we did whatever we want after that.
I love our chinese teacher lah,she's so cute! ;x
Home Econs,just did some theory stuffs~
Went lunch with him&friends.
Went home after that.
Once i reached home,i nap from 4.30 till 6~

During science lesson,Melissa piggyback-ed me. LOL!


First day of the week.
Got 'greeted' by Mr Anba early in the morning after assembly.
Wtf-inghell,i somehow think he's bias lor.
For goodness sake,of the whole class,only catch me & Pearlyn.
There like many other girls whom skirts are like shorter than mine can!
And also there're obviously more pple than only pathetic two from our class who wears ankle socks.
Plus that fucking Deidre who has got coloured clips/ribbons/bands on her hair okay.
Not only mine,please!
Uh,ear studs/rings.
I'm not the only one who wears this 'big' ear studs to school lah please.
Look at Sherin's. -.-
Big plus coloured ones.
Mine's like pure white can!
Okay drop that topic. -.-
Chinese,Geography & Music lessons before recess.
Music, Melissa,Bronna,Esther&Huimin were like talking about our primary school life.
That school holds alot of memories lah! But still,i prefer secondary school.
It's like,way much much more freedom! o:
English lesson after recess.
You know,i kinda detest English lessons 'cause that's when trouble/moody-ness/lifeless-ness begins.
Damnitshit. /:
I doubt anyone will know what i'm talking about. But yeah,i don't know how to explain.
It's not about me btw. ;x
Urgh. :@
Maths was,arghxzxzxzzxz!
Okay lah! -.-
I'm feeling very frustrated now.
So,mind me. :/
After school,rah,did the same old damn things.
Bah,and i'm home.
Had class chalet yesterday.
Pretty fun luh.
Okay so first thing first.
Met Melissa&Phoenicia at Compass point.
Took a train to Kovan to wait for Pearlyn.
Then soon Boyfriend also came to Kovan Mrt. :)
Went to Hougang Mall to find the rest.
Bronna,Esther,Amelia,Gabriel,Danny,Joel,Matias & Chunfong were there.
Waited for like, 1hour plus for the rest._.
The rest=Guoqiu,Dylan&Cheemeng.
Walked to the bustop to take 89.
HuiMin was waiting for us there.
Melissa,Pearlyn,Phoenicia,Esther,Bronna,Amelia,Dylan & Matias alighted at the Downtown east bus stop while we alighted at Loyang Point bustop.
Cause Joel wanted to buy beverages and he doesn't know where to alight._.
Took bus back to chalet.
Was bored at the barbecue pit area so decided to go back to the room with Boyfriend,Melissa&Danny.
I'm not sure if there're anybody else. x;
Forget luh.
Soon,i think barbecue ended and the rest started to come up.
Slacked in the room for nearly 2hours plus/minus,i suppose.
Soon,they decided to go and catch a midnight movie.
So a few of us went to check the timings.
Esther asked me to call and tell her about the timings luh.
And everyone changed their mind -.-
Dint wanna watch alr.
Went to Macs.
And walked back to downtown east mall again.
Melissa had to go back to the chalet to take her stuffs cause her mom was here to fetch her.
She dint wanna go back alone .
and so,being the thoughtful me,i accompanied her. :)
But of course,together with Boyfriend,Jezebel&Danny.
We were lazy to walk back to Downtown east mall alr,so just stayed in the chalet luh.
Esther,Amelia&Bronna soon came back.
Switched off all the lights. Amelia&Bronna were screaming like ~!@$%^@!$
Until the guard or whoever came. HAHAHA!
Warned us about some things lah.
Then everyone came back to the chalet.
Ahahaa,they decided that it was time to drink volka.
So they went downstairs.
Boyfriend,Jezebel&Danny dint go down.
Danny went down to take a look and he said that many were drunk alr.
So we went down to take a look as well.
Hahahaha,Dylan was the worse of all.
Face,eyes & ears totally red.
Jamin anyhow scolded pple-.-
But i think he was alright luh.
Matias wasn't drunk but was pretending to be,i guess.
Joey&Huimin were like, HAHAHAHA.
Cat fight in the toilet uh,
Kept on screaming.
Practically,nearly everyone was drunk except for us who dint go down.
I remember i slept at 1.25 a.m the night/morning before.
Eye was damn heavy.
Couldn't take it anymore.
So decided to sleep.
Uh,i think i dint sleep properly also luh. 'Cause very noisy._.
But at least i manage to nap a little.
Then soon,they decided to go red house.
But only a few of us only. -.-
Went with boyfriend,Huimin,Joey,Joel,Aaron,Joel's sister & Junhao.
I think they just installed wires on top of the gate.
So very difficult to climb in.
But of course,i did not have the intention to go in as well -.-
Joel&Aaron made it in.
but they heard noises.
So immediately came out.
Walked alllllllllll the way back to downtown.
Gah,the red house is verrrrrrrry in -.-
Went to Macs to have breakfast and went back to the chalet.
Damn shag~
Sat at the end of the bed with boyfriend for quite long.
and then decided to lean against the bed and then kinda fell asleep.
Checked out at 1015,
Almost wanted to follow the rest of them to Hougang plaza lan but i the bus journey made me change my mind.
So alighted at Sengkang with boyfriend.
He went to take 87 while i walked home from there.
And yes,pictures. {Not many though}
Very blur & stuffs.
Mind them eh.
Cause i'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery lazy to edit.
I think i'm waititng for other pple to edit them.
Then i shall go and steal from there. :D
But in the meantime, i shall post those blur pictures first luh :)

There's gonna be another end-of-year chalet again,i suppose.

Happy 6 months hunnyyyyyyyyy! :)
I gotta admit that i really enjoy those moments when i'm with you!
Though there were some problems for the past one/two days,but we're alright now,yeah?
We'll have faith in our relationship and brave through all the bad times together yah.
Love youuuuuuuuuuuu! <3

Lessons were all right. :)
Science lesson was the fun-est! LOL.
-New invented word-
And plus,school ended at 12.3o today. :D
Slacked aroundddddd~
Waited for his soccer to end.
Went to look for his Nova&gang. o.o
Walked to the interchange and took bus home. :)
And sorry phoeniciaaaaaaaaaaa,i pangseh-ed you. o:
Tmr's the day!:D
Hope some one remembers. Aha. /:
G'byeeeeee! :)
Those drowning of tears and such..
I'm feeling way much better now. :)
And of course,
A big thank you toooooooooo...
Nah,shan't reveal who.
Butbut,thank God lah!:D
*No one except God actually* x;

Wasn't in the mood this morning.
THANKFULLY,we were dismissed at 12.3o.
Otherwise,i have real mood swings. o;
Geography lesson,was reading 'journey' throughout the whole lesson.
Plus some copying of notes luh.
Maths,followed the lesson accordingly.
Science,wasn't doing anything.
Just chatting with HuiMin.
Chinese,read my book and manage to read finish the whole book. :D
Headed Heartland Mall after school.
Walked around.
Went to Macs,did nothing.
Erm,waited for them to eat.
Went to Pearlyn's house for a while.
Just a little while and decided to go home after that.

Lol, i whacked my brother's head.
As in the top of his head.
Damn hard. ;x Plus ultra loud sound effect. aww. ;x
Just because he boo-ed me from the back that scared the hell outta me.
This isn't the first time btw.
Whenever he boos me,i'll of course be pissed luh.
But it's just that i control.
This time round,my mood was alr like...~!@$%#% and plus someone coming to scare me.
Thus,the volcano erupted.
Immediate reaction.
I didn't even think about the consequences and such lah.
after everything..
Me: Still want come and scare me,issit?
Brother: *Started laughing crazily.
I think i ain't in the mood today,
P/s,that's why i'mmmmmmmmm .... fill in the blanks.
Fuck that slut hardcore manxzzxz._.
Though it's hard to let go,but i'll try..
Sometimes,i'm really confused about things happening around me.
At times,i was even on the verge of giving up.
But i dint.
I'm glad that those things are over.
and also,that you're not feeling emotional anymore..