So met himmmmmm at the interchange this morning and walked to school.
I think we reached school at a perfect timing.
Don't ask me why! I just feel so. ;x
Lessons today were kinda slack.
Or should i say,very?
Even Math lesson!
Ms Ang released us like,10mins earlier!
Ms Ang only taught us a new topic today.
Dot diagram,quite easy can!
She only took like 10mins to teach us.
After that,she asked us to do a few questions.
And we got released after that.
Heaheah,i dint even complete those questions lor! ;x
Geography,relief teacher!
Andand,she's Miss Seow if i'm not wrong.
She's the one who acted in the changing point,season two!
She's Miss Tan in that show!
Those of you who watch will know~
Hahahaa,we took a photo with her and she was like so paranoid 'cause she's afraid that the DM would walk pass and see us using our phones.
Recess,was released kinda early(:
Chinese was veeeeery slack.
Only did my oral thingy,and we did whatever we want after that.
I love our chinese teacher lah,she's so cute! ;x
Home Econs,just did some theory stuffs~
Went lunch with him&friends.
Went home after that.
Once i reached home,i nap from 4.30 till 6~

During science lesson,Melissa piggyback-ed me. LOL!
