First day of the week.
Got 'greeted' by Mr Anba early in the morning after assembly.
Wtf-inghell,i somehow think he's bias lor.
For goodness sake,of the whole class,only catch me & Pearlyn.
There like many other girls whom skirts are like shorter than mine can!
And also there're obviously more pple than only pathetic two from our class who wears ankle socks.
Plus that fucking Deidre who has got coloured clips/ribbons/bands on her hair okay.
Not only mine,please!
Uh,ear studs/rings.
I'm not the only one who wears this 'big' ear studs to school lah please.
Look at Sherin's. -.-
Big plus coloured ones.
Mine's like pure white can!
Okay drop that topic. -.-
Chinese,Geography & Music lessons before recess.
Music, Melissa,Bronna,Esther&Huimin were like talking about our primary school life.
That school holds alot of memories lah! But still,i prefer secondary school.
It's like,way much much more freedom! o:
English lesson after recess.
You know,i kinda detest English lessons 'cause that's when trouble/moody-ness/lifeless-ness begins.
Damnitshit. /:
I doubt anyone will know what i'm talking about. But yeah,i don't know how to explain.
It's not about me btw. ;x
Urgh. :@
Maths was,arghxzxzxzzxz!
Okay lah! -.-
I'm feeling very frustrated now.
So,mind me. :/
After school,rah,did the same old damn things.
Bah,and i'm home.