Pretty fun luh.
Okay so first thing first.
Met Melissa&Phoenicia at Compass point.
Took a train to Kovan to wait for Pearlyn.
Then soon Boyfriend also came to Kovan Mrt. :)
Went to Hougang Mall to find the rest.
Bronna,Esther,Amelia,Gabriel,Danny,Joel,Matias & Chunfong were there.
Waited for like, 1hour plus for the rest._.
The rest=Guoqiu,Dylan&Cheemeng.
Walked to the bustop to take 89.
HuiMin was waiting for us there.
Melissa,Pearlyn,Phoenicia,Esther,Bronna,Amelia,Dylan & Matias alighted at the Downtown east bus stop while we alighted at Loyang Point bustop.
Cause Joel wanted to buy beverages and he doesn't know where to alight._.
Took bus back to chalet.
Was bored at the barbecue pit area so decided to go back to the room with Boyfriend,Melissa&Danny.
I'm not sure if there're anybody else. x;
Forget luh.
Soon,i think barbecue ended and the rest started to come up.
Slacked in the room for nearly 2hours plus/minus,i suppose.
Soon,they decided to go and catch a midnight movie.
So a few of us went to check the timings.
Esther asked me to call and tell her about the timings luh.
And everyone changed their mind -.-
Dint wanna watch alr.
Went to Macs.
And walked back to downtown east mall again.
Melissa had to go back to the chalet to take her stuffs cause her mom was here to fetch her.
She dint wanna go back alone .
and so,being the thoughtful me,i accompanied her. :)
But of course,together with Boyfriend,Jezebel&Danny.
We were lazy to walk back to Downtown east mall alr,so just stayed in the chalet luh.
Esther,Amelia&Bronna soon came back.
Switched off all the lights. Amelia&Bronna were screaming like ~!@$%^@!$
Until the guard or whoever came. HAHAHA!
Warned us about some things lah.
Then everyone came back to the chalet.
Ahahaa,they decided that it was time to drink volka.
So they went downstairs.
Boyfriend,Jezebel&Danny dint go down.
Danny went down to take a look and he said that many were drunk alr.
So we went down to take a look as well.
Hahahaha,Dylan was the worse of all.
Face,eyes & ears totally red.
Jamin anyhow scolded pple-.-
But i think he was alright luh.
Matias wasn't drunk but was pretending to be,i guess.
Joey&Huimin were like, HAHAHAHA.
Cat fight in the toilet uh,
Kept on screaming.
Practically,nearly everyone was drunk except for us who dint go down.
I remember i slept at 1.25 a.m the night/morning before.
Eye was damn heavy.
Couldn't take it anymore.
So decided to sleep.
Uh,i think i dint sleep properly also luh. 'Cause very noisy._.
But at least i manage to nap a little.
Then soon,they decided to go red house.
But only a few of us only. -.-
Went with boyfriend,Huimin,Joey,Joel,Aaron,Joel's sister & Junhao.
I think they just installed wires on top of the gate.
So very difficult to climb in.
But of course,i did not have the intention to go in as well -.-
Joel&Aaron made it in.
but they heard noises.
So immediately came out.
Walked alllllllllll the way back to downtown.
Gah,the red house is verrrrrrrry in -.-
Went to Macs to have breakfast and went back to the chalet.
Damn shag~
Sat at the end of the bed with boyfriend for quite long.
and then decided to lean against the bed and then kinda fell asleep.
Checked out at 1015,
Almost wanted to follow the rest of them to Hougang plaza lan but i the bus journey made me change my mind.
So alighted at Sengkang with boyfriend.
He went to take 87 while i walked home from there.
And yes,pictures. {Not many though}
Very blur & stuffs.
Mind them eh.
Cause i'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery lazy to edit.
I think i'm waititng for other pple to edit them.
Then i shall go and steal from there. :D
But in the meantime, i shall post those blur pictures first luh :)
There's gonna be another end-of-year chalet again,i suppose.