Was down with running nose during art lesson today.
Very very irritating.
Used up 4packets of tissues today lor! In just 1 hour?
Was feeling rather sleepy during lessons as well.
My eyes were about to close but I was just forcing it to stay wide open. :/
So during English & Physics,I tried to take a nap.
BUT,Miss Chin started banging/hitting my chair. -____-
She's a very very very emotional teacher who walks without emotion.
And also,she loves to scream and shout in class.
Totally idiotic._.
But at times,she'll also 'um chio'. HAHAHA.
She'll suddenly out of nowhere cry. (HAPPENED TWICE DURING LESSON ALREADY)
During Physics,tried taking short short short nap,but the teacher stood beside me and called my name.
Thrice!! -,-
And there was also once when he scared me lor! -.-
But he apologised,heh.
We've got 2 physics teachers and 2 chemistry teachers btw!
Wonder why is this so ...
1) Our class is simply too noisy to handle .
2) Either one of the teacher is a trainee and needs to learn how to teach .
3) The 'additional' teacher has got nothing better to do so he'll just come into our class and join the other teacher in teaching .
4) The teacher just simply loves our class. (Which I think is so not the reason.)
5) The teacher wants to help our class and so get another teacher to assist.
Have totally no idea which is the reason.
Or perhaps the reason is not stated there.
Ah well....
Back to what happened today.
Had Maths test today. Not sure if it's common test but it seems to be.
Rather easy. Prolly cause I went through the common test practice paper last night. Heh. :)
After school went straight home. Partly because of my uncomfortable nose who just kept sneezing.
Took a nap. About 1-2 hours long.
Woke up and started working on my blogskin.
I think it looks kind of dull. :/
Urgh anyway,I need to really buck up on my studies already la! :S
Bye! :)