Lessons today were quite slack.
Had a fun time though.
Except for something unpleasant which happened? -,-
Annoying,pfft. :/
Scored 21/35 for my maths in which there're lots of careless mistake,tskzx!!
Anyway,so went 363 after school.
Slacked there a while then went Mall.
Met up with Nicolette,went to buy something.
Didn't take note of the time and.........
We were late ._.
Late 5-10mins. URGH. :< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}">

I just taught my brother finish.
Plus sort of helped him out with his "Eurasian Culture" project work.
He's SO SO SO SO SO annoying please!
He said this to me, "Do you know that you're very irritating?"
So my reaction was, @%^#%&#&!#*@$&@@(&#@$@?!?!??!!
So I replied him saying,
If you think I'm irritating thn I think you're stupid.
That was random,I know.
But,I'm stating the fact.
Well,who cares?
I told my mum that he said I was irritating.
So I thought that could be an excuse to stop teaching him.
But who knows,all my mother did/said was, "Damien Lim! Don't be too proud ok!"
I think teaching my brother daily at night is somehow going to be my daily routine already lor!!
Aww,torturous! ):
Anyway,I got to end here already!
It's getting late and I think I have to shut down my computer already.
Me love you lah k! Hehe. :)