Catechism lesson yesterday was pretty interesting! :)
But,our class seriously need to buck up on the enthusiasm. *Shakes head*
Went Compass point with Mummy.
Bought some stuffs.
And also,bought my dinner from Pasar Malam! HAHAHA.
Only MINE la.
I bought takoyaki. (Or however it's spelt.)
This morning,my father woke me up by smacking my leg. Or rather,thigh.
Got so frustrated that I pushed him away.
HAHAHHA. Until he landed on the floor cause he didn't know I was going to push him.
So a little unbalanced.
Daddy said: Whoa. You got so strong ah?
Me: You very noisy ley,go away la.
Daddy: You going church or not?
Me: Don't know la. Go away. I want sleep.
Daddy: Walks out of the room and close the door.
Headed to Kovan had breakfast there.
Then,headed to cousin's house to celebrate his birthday. :)
Anyway,I don't intend to post a long post.
Not really in the mood to post,having a little headache since morning,urgh! D:

Bye :)
Nicolette♥♥♥: See its alive(: Nice blogggg.
Reply: Haha! Thanks!
Huihan: oh hihihi@ :D
Reply: Hey! :)
Danneh: FAIL. You failed to describe more of Agnes! She said that her emotionless emotion is because of her--Because of her taking up piano lessons.
Reply: IS IT? I didn't know that! HAHA.
Justin: danny, but i still love agnes lesson, she keeps me awake with her funny emotions and her. EAR DRUM PIERCING LOUD VOICE.
Reply: Lol. Of course you'll love la. Cause all you know is only to sleep during her lessons lor pleasee!!! HAHA.
Esther: Last long oh,haha. And today's lesson was boring right? Without us around! hehe
Reply: LOL. THANKS! And,HAHA NOPE!! :)
Melissa.: the bun on your head larh ass. -.-
LIYAN!: ahmei! (: Re-Link! (:
Reply: Relinked :D
Danneh: JUSTIN CHEN STOP SLEEPING THIS IS NOT YOUR HOUSE. -Pause 5 seconds- HEHEHE, ok complete yr work nao
Reply: LOL. Agree. She got a bit mental problem lor,seriouslyzx.
Gywneth: i think it's about time for you to relink me alr. i changed like ages ago. HAHA
Reply: HAHA,omg! K relinked!!
adelinePyh: Matilda,thanks for the wishes ,drawing sucha pretty cake for meeeee:Dlove youuuuuu la!
Reply: Haha,did I even draw a cake?!?!?!? loveee!!
Pearlyn: YO MATILDA :D You chop your fringe! HEHE HAHA
Reply: HAHA YEAP! You now then know meh?!?! And huh,why Seraphina also used the word CHOP off my fringe huh? Lol! Loveya.
Nicolette♥♥♥: DEAREST<3
Reply: Love!:)
Vanessa says: Yo jiejie! You look so cute manxzx! xD See you soon soon ;
Reply: Hurhur,thanks but I'm not. haha. Seeyou!
Jezebel.: hihi:D harnah, will ans your fone when got money de luh. will STILL kup. but will msg you luh,lol.
Reply: LOL!!!!!!!! ARGHH,OKAY LA. SUI BIAN NI LOR! Heh. :B
unknown: i am here in peace and i just wanna tell you to lastlong with your stead hor.
Reply: Er? Hmm,thanks but what do you mean by you're here in peace? Btw,leave your name down la. Nothing to be shy? :)
Nicolette♥♥♥: haha, i'm lame , then you lame me back lolx, but quite fun ehy, lolx
Reply: LOL,WTF. HAHA. Fun meh? And since when you twit? Urgh,don't twit!! Not nice :o
Rowena.: Relink me darling! <3
Reply: Alright. (;
Mavis: HI HELLOOOOOO! :) Cheerup kay! Love youuuuuuu~
Reply: OH HIII !! Haha,yeap I will! Loveyou(:
amanda ong: heyhey relink! (:
Reply: Ok :)
I really hope things goes on well and fine.
I'll try my best to treat you the way I treated you in the past..
I'll try my best to treat you the way I treated you in the past..