Suppose to be studying now. But I've got totally no motivation although I know studying is for my OWN good. ):
Anyway,Mid Year Exam's just next Tuesday?!?!
Aww,left with one more week to study. Tsk.
I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations, I need motivations !!!!
Weakest subject: Physics. o:
Those 2 teachers are really useless. HAHA.
Anyway,I don't like calculations!!
Taught my brother Mathematics just now.
Had a really tough time getting him to just settle down,get his stuffs out,stay still and stop fidgeting !!!!
He's only Primary 4 and yet so lazy already!
I wonder how're things gonna be like for him when he steps into a Secondary School.
Anyway,he's rather smart ok !!!!
And,I'm serious. Tsk tsk tsk..
I still remember once when we were at my cousin's funeral wake..
And my Brother didn't want to attend tuition.
Probably because he was suppose to take a bus down himself cause supposedly,my mum should be the one sending him for tuition.
But,she was busy and my dad was fetching my another brother from somewhere else.
So what he did was,
He tried to put up an act..
*He walks towards me mother pretending to cough...
Brother: Mummy,can I don't go for my tuition? Cause I'm not really feeling well.. (*Shows the pathetic + Innocent face.. *)
Mummy: Oh is it? Drink more water,my dear.
Brother: But I think I really can't go for tuition. I got cough. (*Pretended to cough once more.)
Mummy: Oh okay luh,then you don't go.
Then came my cousin and Jason(her boyfriend)
Cousin told my Mum: But Jason will be sending him for tuition.
Mummy told my brother: Oh ok. Thn you go for your tuition. Just 1&half hour of your time wouldn't kill.
Brother: (*Gave that pathetic :( face)
Another thing is that,
My brother just loves to waste A LOT of time.
Whenever it's in the afternoon,he'll watch television cause my Mum wouldn't be at home at that time. Thus,no one's looking after him.
He'll take that time to play computer/watch TV.
So whenever my Mum reaches home,
He'll immediately switch off the television and pretend to get "suckedup" to my Mum.
He'll go over to my mum and give her a hug. Thn we'll have dinner together..
Aafter dinner my mum will ask him to take out his homeworks and start revising..
This is the thing he hates the most. So,he'll try to drag time as long as possible. He'll tell my mum he needs to go to the toilet to do his business,to bathe and such.
Obviously he's just trying to waste time.
But,frustrated with his attitude/character/behaviour.
TSK,PRIMARY 4 ONLY OK!!!!!!!!! -.-
After all,I'd prefer my younger brother who's Primary 6 and MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more independent than him.
He's probably the one whom my parents adore the most. Haha.
But seriously,he's very independent who does and revise his homeworks regulary on his own.
I want to be like him!!! BUT CAN'T! HAHA. D:

Anyway,I think I really neeeeeeeeeed to go and study now!!
Haven't even bathe yet. ):
I NEED TO SAVE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! $_$ (: