Today was like,totally meaningless?
Nothing much happened.
School as usual.
Went for the Ash Wednesday mass at the chapel after assembly.
Got back to class immediately after that and attended 10mins of Physics lesson.
Chemistry was next. Think Mr Leow(or however you spell his name) is a joker manzxz :)
Recess and had Geography,relief teacher.
Ms Loke dint come today. The relief teacher's mind was a little off?
Heh,first time see such a young relief teacher who knows how to shout and so called handle the class._.
Was actually looking forward to Geography cause I wannnnnntt to know my geography common test marks.
Had two hours of Chinese. Which was a total bore?
The teacher kept calling my name and Melissa's name. LOL.
Btw, I think the teacher's attitude changed alooooooooooooot ever since last year.
We were all always looking forward to Chinese lesson last year,but NOT now anymore,tsk!
Frankly speaking,I think she's veeeeeeeeeeery irritating who always makes us or rather ,me feel agitated. Pffffffffft.
Went to Find Mr Ken Teo after school. O_o.
His attitude today got a bit problem compared to yesterday,lol.
And,I overheard that our entire class failed the DNT test which was conducted yesterday?
Went down to the canteen,saw Melissa and co.
Followed Melissa,Pearlyn & Rowena to KFC to have their lunch.
Took bus home alone after that.
Totally patheticness please._.
Anyway,have been on the computer since 3plus.
The time now's 8.22.
Fuckingboredokay :/
LCE tmr,which means 2.30 release.
And training at 3o'clock after that.
Wtheeeeelllllll. :@
I'm very very sure it's like that since about more than a week ago.
When will it heal huh?
Usually,it'll take 1-3days to heal.
Whereas this time round,seems like it isn't,aww. ):