As expected,I had difficulties in getting up of bed this morning.
Woke up at 6,but got up of bed at around 625.
Whole body aching. Especially at the thigh there. @!%#&#$%
So,daddy fetched my brothers off to school without me -.-
Hell yeah. Cause I was like taking my own sweet time. Ah well.
Left house at about 7. Took 27 and alighted at interchange.
Went Macs to look for baby & co.
Many HIHS students were at Macs even though it was already considered as going-to-be-late.
Anyway,so after macs,went 809 awhile,thn walked to Punggol park.
Reached there at about 7.40?
But,I think we weren't late. Cause they were still taking attendance at that time,hehe.
So,the run started off with Sec one girls then sec one guys, sec two girls then sec two guys and so on...
It was then our turn,Mrs Ku said,those girls aiming for top 20,please proceed to the starting line first.
So,Esther,Bronna,Joey some of us stood up and walked to the starting line.
Then,Ms Dot said to Mrs Ku, "They cannot run one la,all geysiao one."
Wtfffffffffzxz -__-
So insulting + demoralizing. Never mind,shall just take it as we heard nothing -.-
Was actually running with Mavis. Cause she wanted to get top 20,HAHAHA.
But yeah,so many girls in front of us already!! Haha!
So run awhile with her thn Mavis ran off on her own already. While Yuke & I walked back to look for Esther and all.
Walked all the way to the finishing line.
After the whole even, went 401 thn went Plaza to have lunch.
walked to mall for just a whileeeeeee. Thn went home :)
Feeling very bored now okay. -.-