Attended catechism class yesterday.
Had some ministry attachment stuffs.
And ultimately,I'm being attached to the catechist group!
Well,guess I'm going to teach those little oneszxz.
So excited to see their cute faces ok!
Going to be together with Joanne & Judith. (:
Had a horrifying experience last night.
At around 12plus,before going to bed,I was alone in my room.
Then,dk why out of the sudden got this guy's voice shouting.
Fucking scary okay. Didn't know what to do. -__-
Everyone's asleep. LOL. So,I texted Jezebel lauuuuuuuu. Hehe. (:
Luckily she was still awake. She was watching BOF.
So,finally managed to sleep at around 2plus 3.
Couldn't make it in time to reply Jezebel's message though.
This morning went Kovan for lunch at 11.
Didn't have a proper meal because apparently there was this guy sitting at the same table as us who was very disgusting.
I mean,not very disgusting but I don' tknow why I felt disgusted and not have the appetite to eat after that. EW.
Had only about 5hours of sleep last night loh! Woke up at 8this morning.
My mum is going gaga over Michael Jackson's songs & dance. Especially Moonwalk.
HAHAHA. She says his dance very styloooo.
Was suppose to go Bugis with my mum today.
BUTBUT,it was raining lah!
Well,nothing else to say alrdy.