Love this clique of mine during camp & during catechism days!!! :B
Camp's food was delicioussxzszx.
Except for the 1st meal we had. Beehoon totally sucks,ew. >:
Shall not elaborate much on the camp.
Cause apparently I do not have the feel for blogging these days.
Which also explains why the last time I blogged was on 29th May.
Hmmm,shall continue on my topic of the day.
- We slept at 1plus a.m for both nights because the supper lasted for quite a while.
- Most slackest camp ever.
- We slept at SJC hall.
- The shower was so refreshing cause the water was not that cold and not that warm. JUST NICE:)
- No one was rushing us while bathing. So in other words,we pretty much took our own sweet time. Hehe.
- Each meals lasted about 30-45mins.
- Had mass for all the 3 days.
- The 2nd night's session made most of us cried cause all our Parents/Godparents wrote a letter to us. (Aww) In general,our parents wrote things which made us tear. Heh,how touching.
- We were having sessions in the hall most of the times which was air-conditioned.
- Had tele-matches on the 1st & 2nd afternoons. The sun was scorching hawwttt okkzxzz. O:
- 2nd day's tele-match was fun!! Water bombs throwing here and thr resulting my whole body to get wet. (I was suppose to be protected by my group members though. But they ended up running away from the water bombs. -___-)
- We were asked take our temperatures at the guard stand of SJC. And I freaking had a temperature of 37.9°C. Initially,I was suppose to go home but my catechist dint want me to. So I went to take a shower and my temperature dropped to 36.6°C! Heh.
- Some of the Catechists seemed to have something against our clique. Well,but some others dint. Hmm. Doesn't matter much to us though.
- Had a nice chat with 1 of the catechist during the 2nd's night dinner. He was really niceeeee. :)
I suppose I'm going to stop here.
Don't feel like blogging anymore for today.
Pictures next..

I miss Justin. ):
I miss camp. o:
I miss my clique.