Ikea sells awesome Ice-cream cakes!!!
You know,usually somewhere near the cashier,or rather,once you step out of Ikea's payment counter,you'll see a store selling biscuits/chocolates/candies and stuffs eh?
They also sell Ice-cream cakes which are,yeap as what I'd said, a-w-e-s-o-m-e.
Ikea foods are mostly from Sweeden,if I'm not wrong.
Nicenicenice lah! :B
Yesterday,Catechism class was boring.
Cause we had some kind of talk a Priest in the Church itself.
Was talking all the way,especially to Joanne & Seraphina.
We were making a joke out of his speech. HAHA.
He said about, 100-110 "heh" in his half an hour long speech.
Joanne,Seraphina & I were counting. AHAHA.
I mean like,it's funny and cute lah. He's a muslim converted Priest btw.
So I think that "heh" is his slang or any sort. o:
Attended Mass with Geraldine, Joanne & Seraphina while Juddith went home.
Talked and crapped a lot with Joanne. This,I admit. Heheh.
We were saying,
We both 1 week never meet/see each other. Then whatever we want to say piles up and when it reaches Saturday,the whole stack clears cause we'll say everyhing.
And then after Saturday,the things we want to say starts piling up again. HAHA.
Logical,isn't it?
After Mass,went Tampines for dinner with my family & Father's side the grandmother.
Sort of clebrated Mothers' Day as well.
Went to grandmother's house awhile.
Watched that Seng Siong show. LOL.
Home after that.
Church this morning with Cousins and Parents.
Went Kovan and home. :)
P/s: I seriously don't understand why can't the school just put all papers at one shot instead of skipping a few days and a week in between. Tsk. Annoying!!!! Fuckedupschool :/