Pleasant/unpleasant day?
Well, I really dk.
Had performances in the hall this morning during assembly which lasted about 1hour plus minus?
Then,went for recess 15mins after that.
Was late for art, :S
but anyway,they did practically nothing.
We just sat around 1 table and discussed about our exam art work. that's all.
After art was english.
Forgot what we did. I think we watched a show or something,not very sure.
But anyway,I felt very sleepy and went off to sleep.
Some one kept kicking my chair/table. I dk who. :/
Was dismissed at 12.
Went home,left house at 4 plus.
While on my way to school, Phoenicia kept calling me! Urgh.
She kept rushing me loh!
She was like,
"Must run when you alight from the bus ah!"
Then I said, "Okok."
"Must run leh!"
Then I said, "Yala."
Then I said,"Harnar."
So when I reached school, they still haven't start yet-.-
Still got 2 more matches loh!
So anyway,I pretty much forgotten the scores from yesterday's and today's heats.
Visit http://leenixuan.livejournal.com/ for more details!
It's Phoenicia's blog btw. Or should I say, Live journal. Heh.
Stayed in school till about 7plus 8.
Was with Phoenicia all along until about 7.
Then,played basketball with Bronna,Esther&Amelia.
Went 806, 851 , interchange.
took bus home.
I hate today's weather.
Rather stuffy. >:

I thought of this for quite awhile while taking my bath just now..
Why am I always criticizing others when I'm not perfect?
Why do I hate many people?
Why do I even at times hate those who love me?
Why can't I just forgive & forget easily?
Why is there always hatred and frustrations in me?
Why are there times when I people tried to forgive me but yet I can't seem to do the same thing to them?
Why is it so difficult to love my enemy?
Too many whys.
Just way too many to even list them down in here.
There are times when I tried,but I successfully failed.
I hate to cry in the public. but I failed to not do so.
Even at home especially whn my family members are at home.
And the feeling totally sucks.
It's bloodyeffingshiate.
Even at home especially whn my family members are at home.
And the feeling totally sucks.
It's bloodyeffingshiate.