Coach said that we were lucky this time round against Mayflower cause we only gave our 50% skills. D: HAHAHA.
So,once again,I paired Immjoo for second doubles.
Lost the first match, score was 21-23.
Second match we won with a score of 21-15,if I'm not wrong.
Rubber set,we won 21-10. Heheh.
I kept letting the shuttle go off when it's a 'in'. Graaaaah ;/
Overall score for us was 3-2. Hurhur.
Btw,we got the smaller bus today lor!!! So crampppppppppp.
Usually,we'll get those very huge ones and we can walk around as and when we like.
This time round,was ................... P-a-t-h-e-t-i-c . Awww.
And plus,the bus's so stuffy laaaaa. Gawddddddd. D:
Dint sleep in the bus on our way back,hahaha.
Cause we kept singing songs to keep ourselves awake.
Fun luh huh. (:
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT,only three of us were singing,the rest,their mood like so low lor -.-
Hahaaha,especially that JANE. Heh.
Slacked in the canteen for awhile,thn went to 809.
And came home after that.

These two pictures were taken like on,last Monday?
Gonna take my bath ,but,I'm so so so lazy + tired .
Hope it isn't true.
Urgh,wtffffffffffzxzxz. /:
Urgh,wtffffffffffzxzxz. /: