Feeling very very very tired now ok -.-
But,I don't think I should go and take a nap now. Afraid that I won't be able to get up on time for class later on.
Anyway,I woke up at 8 this morning.
Prepared,bathed and everything thn left house at about 8.45.
And,I ain't late for training today ok!
Reached school just in time. Amazing huh (;
Coach was about 30-45 mins late? Cause he overslept -.-
Miss Lim asked us to run 10rounds which I'm quite sure is because she wants to kill time and that she doesn't know what to ask us to do other than that. Pffffft.
By the way,I hate her okay! Because of many things,sickening whore.
Think she can be Suzzie's assistant la,heh.
Training ended at 12 plus,slacked in the canteen till about 1 to kill time.
Headed back home straight after that. (;
Had been playing petsociety and blogshopping.
Blogshopping's getting boring already la. D;
Gonna head to church soooonnnnnnnnnn.
And to my parents' friend's place after church.

Cousins loveed (;