Hiihiiihii ! :)
Okay,after several days of not posting............
And I'm back here postingggggg. (:
Anyway,my left hand muscle keep on shivering ley.
Since 5plus till now........ D:
School ended at 12 today.
Lessons were,
English lesson,we were threatened to do a short essay on "A fearful challenge" otherwise we can't go home.
Wahlauuuuuuu,that's the bad thing about have English as our last period la!
Because how Miss Chin get us to complete and hand in our work is to just THREATEN usssss.
' TSKK!! '
So,okay lah,I did my work. Thn I write until,somehow out of point. And,I don't know how to end the story. HAHAHA.
So I ended with something very funny. But forgot what is it already. ;x
All I know is that my story isn't really a fearful chanllenge lah! Very out of point ley._.
Baby dint come school today cause he's sickkk. D:
Get well soon huh. Take your medicine on time laaaa k!!!
Sooo,went down to the canteen at 12. Looked for Melissa & co.
Sat around a table.
Thn went up to the suspension area to give Deidre her birthday card.
Not really a birthday card,but somehow it is luh. Haha,aye,my english today like got problem lor.
I don't know how to phrase a lot of things.
Um,so uh,mind me. (;
Went food court to have lunch with Jezebel,Huimin & Jacqueline while the rest went Long Johns/pepper lunch.
Went to take MRT with Pearlyn while the rest went back to school for Floorball.
Took MRT to Sengkang,thn went to deposit some money.
Andandand,you know what?
The bloody machine retained my moneeeeey.
Wahlauuuuu,70bucks ley!-.-
Anyway,think can get back? o_O .
So,walked back home from Compass point.
Muscle aches here and there!!
After the 2.4 Km run in 14mins yesterdaaaayy!!
So difficult to walk up and down the stairs la! Especially downn!!! -.-
Once I reached home,first thing is to immediately lie down on the sofa.
Fell asleep after 10mins.........
And woke up 20mins later by some unknown who called me.
Took a shower and came onlineeeeeee.
The weather now,is veeeeeeeeeeery nice & comfortable for a GOODNIGHT sleeep manszxz.
And hor,I forgot that I have to reply to tags,
Otherwiseee, Nicole Chan will come after me. HAHAHA.
JOTINA: shanice what. LOL. Aiyaaa, tmd. got yuan fen zai jian tomorrow! If not, see you next week^^ Loveyou.
Reply: HAHA,mai siao siao with her hor. HAHAHA.
/VANESSA: Saw you t ! SO PRETTY , ^^
Reply: I'm not laaaaaaaa. -.-
Bob: Chao ah lian. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Reply: Stfu. Bob the builder?
Yuke,: Haha, thanks(: You too uh, last long(:
Reply:Thanks!! (;
Esther: Woohoo,finally saw you! same class=)
Reply: Haha. (:
♥`娃娃: Ai-ren , saw you in school . Hurhurr , meetup soon alrights [:
Reply: Haha,alright. (:
Bronna: Our class is damn pathetic la! only 20+ ppl inside -.- No fun manzx! ): Threejoy-ohnine, sounds so weird. Lol
Reply: Haha,yeah la! Not fun one lor. As in,very boring.
Peiling.: Heyhey, thanks fr that time:D takecare
Reply: HAHA,luckily Anba never see my run away from that place. x;
Phoebe: hahas=D taggeed school damn lame >.< class="pn_std">Vanessa,: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (: Jiejie .
Reply: Helloo.
ADELINE ♥.: HELLOHELLOS <3 class="pn_std">♥A-deline: Heloooo(: thanks for the tagg(: but you are also vry pretty.hahahaha(: seeyousoon!!!!!!!
Reply: Haha,you're welcome manszxz. Nah,I'm not. Seeyouuu!!!
Claudia♥: Hello PrettySenior , Passedby . Takecare yah , Ily <3
nicole: Hellloooooo. oops, accidentally entered the text. :x anyway, HELLOOO, you're very pretty. XD
Amelia: Hi matilda ! (:
Reply: HELLOOO! You like very busy with school huh. Haha. :)
ro-wena.: Wahlao eh youuuuuu. MY HAIR IS NATURALLY BROWN!!!! >( HAHAHA. <3
Reply: HAHAHA,I know it's dyed laaaa!! Your teacher never say anything? HAHAH!!
Bronna: Hais, i still rmb that time read the letter miss lini give, cry like dontknw what uh :/ Miss 2joy'08 damn lots! ):
Reply: Haha,yeahlah. You're the one that cried the most lorrrrrr. hahah. (: