Training,training&training these few days.
Super tough okay!
Training this whole week. Early in the morning @ 9!!!
4-5hours per training.
Woke up at 7yesterday morning.
And yes,I set the wrong alarm time.
Was suppose to set at 8 instead._.
Went to bathe,get changed,prepared and everything.
Was only 7.45.
Sooo,turned on the computer and play audition.
Played story mode cause very few people were online that early.
Played till 8.30 then went to blogshop.
Blogshopping's kinda addictive but troublesome.
Left house at 8.45.
Reached school at exactly 9.03.
Waited for Nicolette outside the school gate.
As usual,we were late.
I'm never early k! Tsk.
Was asked to do multiples,super tiring.
Tsk,can like faint anytime ok! Whole body fricking hhhaawwwttttt!
Plus,lag of oxygen cause the hall dooooors are practically closed.
Did nettings & stuffs till 11oclock when the rest came.
Played a few matches.
Slacked in the canteen for a little while and my stomach was damnit pain.
TSK! Hate it when stomach pain comes to attack me when I'm not at home.
Met Baby&Nova after training.
Then they wanted to go Merdian.
So yeah,I went home instead cause I somehow felt really very sick. o:
Body was like,burning can? -.-
Reached home,bathed.
Then my youngest brother taught me how to play pet society in facebook.
That's how I know how to play one ok!
Otherwise,I would think that it's a really lame + childish game. ;x
K,it's fun lah! :B
Then,this blogshop owner called me telling me to meet her up at 6 at Compass Point.
And said,don't be late.
Walked to compass point. She told me she haven't reach yet.
K,never mind. While waiting for her,I went to withdraw some money.
Then,I texted her:
ME: Where're you now? Have you reach yet?
She: Erm can meet at yck/sembawang/city hall/amk or bishan instead? cos my mother dun let me go so far. meet you at 7.30 ?
Me: HUH! I thought you told me not to be late. and you say exactly 6 @ compass point. Why now want me go all the way there.
*She calls me*
She: Er,how do I go to Compass point?
Me: Huh? What do you mean by that? You haven't reach yet and you don't know how to come?
She: Yah.
Me: Where're you now?
She: Yiochukang. Sengkang is what line ah?
Me: Purple.
She: So can you come to Yck,bishan,sembawang,city hall or amk?
Me: You think I use fly one ah? You tell me go there now,you think I will go meh. Somemore now not morning/afternoon ley. Evening already. Come Sengkang lah! You can go AMK take 159 direct bus to Sengkang. Excactly alight at Compasspoint for you uh.
She: Er,issit very long?
Me: NO,less than 20mins.
She: Er,ok. in this case,i'll reach at about 7.30 like that.
Me: *Forget it,don't quarel with her*. Okay then.
So I went home since I've got nothing to do at Compass point. And plus,I dint bring my Ezlink card out.
Then soon,
She messaged me and say,
she: Can meet you at Book Keng instead?
Me: No,too far for me.
she: ok,sengkang then.
Me: k.
She: Can I meet you at Serangoon at 7.15?
Me: Why you keep changing place? Can't you just take a frigging bus down to Sengkang straight? Aiyah,I go serangoon lah.
She: ok.
Me: I'll be a little late btw.
She: Er,I'll be reaching Serangoon soon. Or do you want me to go Hougang?
Like wtf lah. KEEP ON CHANGING!! *^#$&@^#!@
Me: ok,hougang. nearer for me.
she: okay,so i'll charge you $2.50 for my travel fees.
Me: I thought you say you'll charge $1.20 for most of the places? And the other day when I told you to go Sengkang,you say that the charges for travel fee would only be $1.20 so I agreed. Thn now you change.
She: But Hougang is really very far.
Me: Aiyah,anything lah. =.=
Lazy to argue over these kind of small matter._.
Seriously,I can't stand her lah.
First thing first,she asked me not to be late and in the end,she was still at YIOCHUKANG.
If you don't know how to come Sengkang then why did you even agree to meet me at 6 at Sengkang? Fuckhead -,-
No brain leyyyyyyyy.
Pffffft,the more I think about it,the more furious I'd get.
K,let's drop this subject about this whore.
Anyway,I'm gonna meet her again to collect other items againn.
Gonna shoot her back for sure.
No life manzzxz.
Straight away took mrt back to sengkang.
Went home and played petsociety again.
Was bored after awhile so went blogshopping again.
That's why I'm always broke and always meeting blogshop ownerss,ahah.
Fell asleep at about 1plus in the morning.
Alarm rang at 7.30 this morning.
Couldn't wake up. Kept snoozing it.
And I sucessfully woke up at 8.05.
Looool. Bathed and had my breakfast.
Was 5mins late for training today. ;x
Buuut,I'm improving ok! Getting earlier and earlier each time. 8)
Went Hougang mall to wait for baby.
Then he called me telling me that he's at Serangoon when he's at Long Johns with Nova._.
So,went down to Long Johns and met up with him.
Baby sent me to Interchange and I took a bus home from there.
As usual,I switched on the computer once I reached home.
Played audition story mode 2% and logged out.
Anddddd,I'm bored nowww.
Shall reply to those un-replied tags.
ShuYi: Hello, how's your holiday?
Reply: Hahaha,hiii! Fine. Heh :B
& V,anessa: hoho [:
Reply: Loool! Haven't Christmas yet ley. Haha :D
Bronna: <3 class="pn_std">JOTINA: hi love(:
Reply: Hi!♥
Cheryl ,: Wah sia, crazy :DD You nvr link me /:
Reply: HAHAH,PAISEHHHH! Cause the other day I rearranging all the links then accidentally delete away your link,I think. Then forget link back. :X Anyway,linked! HEHE.
DANNEH: Where have yoh been?! These few days never see you and justin.
Reply: LOOL. Where have you been too?
JOTINA: LOVELOVE! haha. that girl's dead yo. She didnt email. HAHAHA. Andand, why no my pic)): HAH
Reply: What girl? Lool. Forgot. x.x HUHHH? HAVE LEYY! Your computer got problem lah! Tsk.
CLAUDIA ♥: Hello PrettyPrettySeniorrr ; TAGGEDDDD ! Ahahas ; Takecare . ily & Imy .
Reply: HELLO!! Ahah,thanks for the tag,yo. Take care too. Seeyou soon. [:
Yu Ke: Matildaaaaaaaaaaaa ! ^^ Heh, like dont knw how many years didnt meet you already ): Meetup soon ah (: With loves, <3 class="pn_std">/DENYCE: DARLINGBABE:D Haha, HEYHEY [: Tagged! Loveeeeeees
Reply: Darlingggg! Hohoho,thanks for the taggg! SEE YOU SOON LEY!! Lovey'!♥
rina: i can feel it ma! Hahaa (: yea. so see youuu :D
Reply: ♥♥
rina: relink.
Reply: Relinked! :B
♥.Audrey(;: Motherrr! How are you? Has not been seeing you a month D; imy lahs D; Takecare ah! loveya<3 class="pn_std">♥`死了的娃娃: Hello , Ai-ren ! ;D Taggedtagged ♥
Reply: HELLO!! Thanks for tagging manzszx! :B Seeyou!
jezebel: heiyo. ps yea. for not goin. next time luh kay? ps.
Reply: Lol,ok...................
Krichelle: LOL I pon training!xD Lalala!!
Reply: Ayeee! Still dare to say!
shumei: HEY YO! ;D Relink (: hahaha (:
Reply: HEY! AHAH,alright! :B
♥' SockChing: Precious! AkuCintaKau<33 style="font-weight: bold;">Amelia: Hey, relink (:
Reply: Relinked! LAST LONGGGGGGGGGGG! :)
ger: hello matty (:
Reply: HI!:D
CBJ.: Hi love, :D
Reply: HIII!:B
Amelia: Alright, thanks . You last long with Justin too (:
Reply: HAH,thanksss!♥
huihan: matildaaaa:D heelllooo, long time no tag, sorryyy :D <3s class="pn_std">Venus: Hello(: !
Reply: HELLO!! 8)
CRYSTAL: hi! still rmb me? anws,link me up lays? thanks! =D
Reply: HEY! Yup,of course! linked! :)
My today's post is indeed a longggg oneee.
:) / :(