My blog's dying manzxzz.
The last post was on the 13thdecember which means,I haven't blog for 7daysss.
So,my toothache is finally alrighttttttt.
But,it's still shaky lah.
Never mind,as long as it doesn't bites something hard,it won't hurt. :)
Went to catch Twilight with Baby and his church friends.
Took a train down to Dbg,reached there at 215.
Gave baby a call and he told me he don't know where's he ._.
Lolol,in the end,met them at somewhere outside the arcade.
Headed to Meridian,played pool.
I mean,they played pool. But not me. Heheh.
I totally forget how to play pool okkkzxzz. >:
Walked to the Plaza sing for our movie @ about 340 ?
The show was yeah,rather nice.
But thn,so famous,of course laah.
Everywhere all "Twilight". Lol.
After the movie,all of us were like, "????" of where to go.
Wanted to have our dinner,but too early.
Went to the arcade for awhile,thn went down B2.
Walked around,thn decided to have our dinner at Pasta Mania.
Looked at the menu and thn,all of us changed our mind.
But was kind of difficult.
Because,you know,you know,very embarrassing?
Yeah. That's the word.
And,after sucessfully getting out of Pasta Mania without saying a word,we walked to the MRT.
They wanted to go Raffles City.
So,baby & I took a train back to Hougang for our dinner @ Longjohnsss. :B
Thn after that went to look for Nova&Ryan at a playground somewhere near Blk 851.
Nova&Ryan left first while we left at Nine Fifteeeeeeeeeeen.
Baby followed me back to Sengkang (:
And,I'm reallyreallyreally rotting now manzxzszx.
Currently only talking to Vanessa in Msn.
Many had gone out,yooooooo. >;
Anyway,gotta attend a Party tonight after mass.
Pffffft. >;
Btwbtwbtw,gonna reply to some tags here.
Reply: Wahlauuuuuu. D: Harnarh. Good for you thn. :) I want join back floorball and quit badminton ley! :X
rina: hihihihihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (: misssyaaa
Reply: Missyou toooooo <:
Justin: baby, i love you. get well soon :)
Reply: Haha,thankszxz. Loveya too :B
Esther: get well soon,and happy 1o months,last long =)
Reply: Heheh,thanksthanksssssssss. :) Relinked you alrdy btw.
Bronna: HAPPY 10TH MONTH ! :D Lastlong ~
Reply: Thankyouuxzz. Seeya soon :D
.DENYCE: Darlingbabe! Get well soon ^^
Reply: Thankszxz <3<3
Passerbyy: Hey I love your blog. it's beautiful. Btw, may i know whats the font of ur tagbox?
Reply: Haha,thanks:) Erm,it's Tahoma :)
Claudia ♥: Pretty Senior , you sicked uh ? Takecare of urself & get well soon okiedokie . Takecare [:
Reply: Haha,yeap thanks. You take care too :D
JOTINA: hahahahaha! Faster get your computer sickness goneee.haha!
Reply: Geygey. :)
Serene: Hiiiii. I've changed link bcuz my domain (sereneng.net) expired. So, RElink / Link! :D Luvchuzxzx.
Reply: Alright,relinkedd :B
Phoebe: Hello=] Tagged
Reply: Hey,ahah,thanks. :)
♥a-deline P: Matilda:D heres a tagg!T'caress(:♥♥♥♥♥♥
Reply: Helloooo,thankss. Take care too! :B
Marie: hi:D i think i saw your that day right? didn't notice you at first, then suddenly later realised it was you. anyway, enjoy your hols:D
Reply: Yesyes,I saw you. In church,right? Wanted to say Hi but thn you like cannot recognise me ley. ): So dint. Haha. alright,you too ;D
huihan: heyllo dearieeee :D me misses you! <3!
Reply: Haha,me too manzxz. School's reopening soon eh. See ya thn. :D
Heather: Matildaaaaa (: get well soon! (: <3
Reply: Thankszxzz. ♥
Melissa♥: you should learn to sleep early too!:D and i decided not to eat my wings ler. haha. (: hope to see ya in a few hours ya. love ya babe. had a nice chat with you. loves. Lovelydear<3
Reply: LOOOL,why learn to sleep early manzxz? Lol,you everyday eat supper? Not bad eh! ♥♥
Chelsea: Hey hey (: linked you. Link me up too (:
Reply: Linked ya alrdy. :)
Reply: Lovey' too.
[C]hloe,: Hello, :D
Reply: Heyhey(:
rina: take care of urself ah (:
Reply: Yeapthanksss. (:
clarissac: i think your toothache link to your fever leh! anyway, get well soon!
Reply: HAHA,I also think so ley. Tsktsk. Thanks,I'm alright alrdy:)
Amelia: Hey (: Very long never see you le eh
Reply: Yeahlaaa,how was your trip manzxzzxz? (:
Esther: missyouuuuuu!
Reply: Me misses you too laaaaa.
DANNEH: primary sch is when we gets phobia against dentist. PRIMARY SCHOOLLLL.
Reply: Yeahlaaaaaaazxz. Lol,I hate Primary school ley. Primary school more stressed up thn Secondary school.