I think my blog seriously's getting some illness? ._.
But thank God the tagboard is still alive? :B
Went out to meet Baby at around 6.
Walked around and slacked.
Reached home around 8plus.
My muscle aches are still NOOOOOOOT gone yeeeeeeet loooooorr!
longest aches I'd ever got ok!
Sooooo not good._.
Training tomorrow,
Match on Wednesday,
Training on Thursday.
Think my aches ain't gonna heal that soon. D:
I see that many tags have not been replied by me since a few days ago.
Gotta find time to do that.
Perhaps tmr? Or the day after tmr?
Or even on Thursday?
Well,shall see how.
Gonna sleep now,
Goodbyeeeeeeeeeee! :B
P/s,my blog's rotting. O: