So,was being forced to go out with my family. Heh. Initially,we wanted to go escape theme park. But ended up going to Wildwildwet instead. Very boring lorrrrrrrrrr! It's like the 686428213 time I'm going there.
Left house at 1plus. Reached there at exactly 2.
Left Www at 4plus. Went bowling. Heh,bowling made three of my finger nails chipppppp!! Grrrrrzxzz.. Furthermore,it made my thumb bleed. EeewWww. So yes,three of my fingernails chipped. That's the so not good thing of bowling. :( Played till 6plus. Went for dinner and headed home alone while the rest of my family went to get some stuffs at Marina square.
I wanted to post about something! But I forgot. Pfffft, Never mind,it's alright. Shall post about it other time when I remember.
I've got training tomorrowwwwwww. Mummy+daddy+aunty+cousins wanna go on a trip to the Singapore flyer tomorrow. Really really hope they WON'T ask me along. I hate going on these kinda trip with them. :/
Andand,I really really hope I can meet baby tomorrow!! The last time I met him was on Saturdayyyyyyyy!!! Dangggggg.
My body's burning hot. Think I've got sunburn. Tskkkkk!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Pffffft,my blog's dying! Can't help it though. I'm always soooo lazy to post. Heh.
Saturday, Trip to East Coast park with many people. Walked around with Babyyy. Soon,the sky became darker and it started to pour. :( Not a good day to go to the beach hur. Unlucky manzxzzzx. Went to seek shelter. The toilet was so crowded can! Even saw some naked young girls bathing in the open cubicle area. Looool. Kay,maybe that was my childhood days~ Maybe not? /:
Sooon,we all were kinda impatient? So we ran under the rain. Veeery long okkkzxzz! So we took a rest at the void deck somewhere across the overhead bridge from the park. Was still raining heavily. Sooo,went to get some unbrellaaaas. In not-a-so-nice-way though. ;x Heh,no choice laah,our last resort. Walked to the bus stop. While waiting for Huimin,Jezebel,Joey&Joel, 4 fifty-five buses passed. Took a bus back to Hougang. Walked to Midnight curry @ somewhere between Hougang & Kovan? Had our dinner there. Went to Heartland mall with Baby,Esther,Mavis,Rina,Yuke,Bronna,Yunxuan,Guoqiu&Cheemeng while the rest went Netforce.
Walked around Heartland Mall. Was veh veh bored okay. There got nothing to shop._. So,sat at the bench outside Yellow. Chit-chatted a little while then walked to Netforce. Baby & I left at about 10 and took 119 back.
Sunday, Mummy woke me up at 8 O'clock. She told me that they'll be going to Christ the king church because it's their feast day there and plus,they wanna visit Fr Kenny. 8o'clock leyyyy!! Still so early lor!! Then,I told her to let me sleep for another half an hour. Woke up at 8.30. Went to take a bath and had my breakfast. Left house at around 9.20. Mass started at 9.45,ended at about 10.45 ? After mass,as usual,Mummy & Daddy went around talking to their friends. According to them,their long lost friends. Heh,whateverrr. Went for Breakfast/lunch at Amk hub. Stayed at home the wholeeeee afternoon. Went for Dinner at Buangkok.
Monday,woke up at around 9. Had a really really really bad stomach ache. Mummy fetched me to the hopsital cause clinics are kinda useless for that kind of ache? I swear it was sooooooo pain that I could just depart from this world at any time k. Heh. Had an injection. Looool,first time I dint cry. x; Butttttttttt,was quite pain also lah! Tsk!
Went to have a meal with mummy. Reached home at around 2plus and stayed at home for the rest of the day.
This morningggg,I woke up at 7.30. Snoozed my alarm a couple of times and finally woke up at 8.05. Took a quick shower,had my breakfast and left house at about 8.40.
Was 5-10mins late for training. Pssssst,I'm like,always late for training. Never once early or ON time.
Warmups & strechings as usual. Ran round the hall for 10mins. Did multiples. Today's one wasn't that tough though. BUT,I swear I was really very sleepy. Coach asked me to do extra._.
After training,slacked inthe canteen and grabbed some food as well. Reached home at 1plus. Messaged baby and went to take a naappp. Napped for about 3hours plus? Heh,I'm still quite tired now. /:
Cause you're heavenly. And I miss you so/-
Friday, November 21, 2008
DENYCE: DARLINGBABE!<33333 Matilda replies: Hiiiiiii darling! Yeah,see ya soonn! :)
Phoebe: TAGGED=D
Matilda replies: Hi! Aha,k thanks. 8)
undefined-: wat did u type at the word search to find tt pic?
Matilda replies: I kinda forgot already. Quite long ago.
rina: HAHA!!! :D miss u lo. REALLY? you know who? is it c****? HAAAAAAA
Matilda replies: YAH DUH! I’m smart lor ok! So so so obvious! Everytime I enter
her blog,it always reminds me of it. Make me pekchek only. Tsktsk.
K,I'm doneeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D
It's 9.24 now.
Took about half and hour. Ahaha.
Yesyesyesyesss,I'd found out somethinggggg!
But,I don't know how to start it.
Ahaha,I'm not angry.
I can't be angry.
I'm not sad.
And I can't be sad.
I have to controoooooool and I know I can. :)
HIIIIIIIIII! I'm bored!!!!!!! o; And so,I thought of blogger!
Sooooo,long/short post today? K lah,long post since I'm bored and I've got nothing to do.
Wednesday,my cramp finally KINDA subside and it was sooo much easier for me to walk okay!! Left house at about 12plus. Went to Hougang to meet Baby. Meet bus to AMK Hub. Walked around,went to meet a blogshop owner @ Mrt. Went up to food court to have lunch. Walked arounddd. Left there at about 4plus. Went to Hougang Interchange. Took bus 27home while Baby went town to meet up with his friends.
Prepared my badminton stuffs,went to Jubilee. Was suppose to meet Immjoo in school at 6. But,Nicolette asked me to go and meet her first. So yeah. Met Nicolette,Jiashing,Rebecca. Played DDR. Went to buy food at Mcdonalds. We were kind late already,so we took away. Took MRT to Yiochukang. Walked to the sports hall. Saw coach there. Then,I went to get changeeee. 5Mins later,Immjoo's name was called. Heh,she was against Keat Youngsters. After Immjoo's match was my match. And just nice I got changed into my shoes. Heh,just in time ok! BUT,I haven't done my warmups. And also,I haven't eaaaaaaaaaaaat!!#@@&^#&^!( Never mind. Soooooo,went into the court. MY OPPONENT WAS THE GIRL WHOM I VISULISED!!! AHAHAH! Cause I always see her with her badminton stuffs/attire @ Compass Point. Hahahah! I'm so exact righttt! :D
First game,she won 22-20. Second game,I won 21-10. Sooo,rubber set right? Third game,she won 21-19. AND SO OVERALLLLLLLLLLL, I LOST. Heheh.
After the matchhhhhh..........
Coach talked to me............... Coach says: Do you think she's a very difficult opponent to beat? Me: No,I always see her at Compass Point.
Hahahha. Yes,I admit what I said was TOTALLY NO LINK. HAHAHA. Anywayyyyy,so coach talked to Nicolette & I. We were blocking the entrance of the stairs + girls toilet ok! Loool. Warmeddownnnnnnnnn~~ And,my muscles started to ache AGAIN!!!! ~!@#$%^@#&!*%^*@#@#( Told my coach that I wouldn't be attending training the next day but he said that I HAVE TO no matter what._.
Went back to Hougang to look for Babyyyyyy~ Then,he accompanied me to wait for my bus. Reached home at about 1130.
THURSDAAAAAAAAAYYYY, Woke up at 8.55 when my training STARTS at 9 !!!!! Sooooo,I was 5mins EARLY still._. Saw my phone. 2Miss calls & 1message. Nicolette messaged me @ 7.50 asking me what time I would be leaving house. Immediately called her but she never answer. Then,the next few seconds,she called me back. And guess what? She just woke up also._. She woke up at 7plus and fell asleep again. How stupid -,- Both of us quickly went to prepare but she was faster._. She took a cab down to Sengkang to look for me. LOL! Boarded the cab she was in and went to school. Taxi driver alighted us right infront of the general office so the security guard won't see us in slippers. Lol. Cause he told us again and again not to wear slippers. Heh. Reached the hall at 9.39. We were 39mins lateeeeeeeeeeee. HAHAHAHA. Not the first time,so the coach asked punished us by asking us to do, 60push ups & 100ankle-squat. LOL! So yeah,we didddddddd. Heheheh. Training ended at 11 for most of them. But it ended at 12 plus for some of us.
Went to Hougang Mall. Met Jezebel there. Bought some stuffs then took a cab back home. Bathed and went to Compass Point to meet Babyyyyy! :B Took a train down to Dbg. Walked to Cathay to meet Nova & co. Caught beverly hills. Heh,that show's cuteeeeeee. Though I HATE dogs. x;
After the show,went to Meridian. Played poool. After that,while walking out,saw this dog. Heh. ANDAAND,that dog bloody chased after me! EEEEF-FFFFF!@#$%^&*(@! HAHAHHAHA. Blooodyidiot!!!
Took a train back to Hougang. Went Hougang Plaza with Baby to have our dinnerrrrr. Walked to 851 there to slackkkkkkkk. So damn cooooold canzxzxzzz! Saw Rinaaa. Hahahah. Went home at 10plusss~
Was veh sleepy okkkkkkkkkkkk~ Messaged Baby and went to sleeeep.
This morning,woke up at 11plus. Onlineeed. Went to CompassPoint to meet a blogshop owner. Went to buy back Macdonalds for lunchhhhhh.
Watch Okto with my brother. Heh. Is that how you spell Okto? o_O
BOREEEEEED. Okay,so is this post long enough? Heh. My body's SOOOO warm. Shall go and get a cooooool bath now. :)
I MISS BABYYYYY NOOW. Am just waiting for him to call me so that I can go and meet him. Heheheh. :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
I think my blog seriously's getting some illness? ._. But thank God the tagboard is still alive? :B
Went out to meet Baby at around 6. Walked around and slacked. Reached home around 8plus.
My muscle aches are still NOOOOOOOT gone yeeeeeeet loooooorr! longest aches I'd ever got ok! Sooooo not good._. Training tomorrow, Match on Wednesday, Training on Thursday.
Think my aches ain't gonna heal that soon. D: Anywayyyy, I see that many tags have not been replied by me since a few days ago.
Gotta find time to do that. Perhaps tmr? Or the day after tmr? Or even on Thursday? Well,shall see how.
Gonna sleep now, Goodbyeeeeeeeeeee! :B
P/s,my blog's rotting. O:
Friday, November 14, 2008
MY WHOLE BODY IS ACHING TERRIBLY !!!!! It's the first time my body ache right after training okay! Usually it takes 1 night and I'll get aches the next morning but today's different,pfft. Training today was torturous,okay!
Can't imagine how are my aches gonna be like tomorrow in this case. Grrrr..
Tomorrow's a Saturday! No more Catechism class! Heheh. :)
Babyyyy! Have I ever told you how good it feels to be me,when I'm with you? Everything just feels right whenever you're with me. No matter what we do,where we are. You're the one that makes my loneliness disappear. I don't wanna face this world alone without you by my side. You make me a better girlfriend. Your love keeps bringing me closer to truth. Happy 9months,sweet thing!
I love you! :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Think I should blog more often in Livejournal.
Yesterday was fineeeeeee.
Stayed at home the wholeeee morning.
Left house at about 3plus or so?
Headed to Compass point.
Bought something.
Came back home.
Used the computer for a while when then Huimin texted me asking me if I could go to Compass Point to meet her at once because she's alone there.
Hurhur,she was waiting for Jacqueline&Jezebel though.
So,since she's alone,I told her to wait.
Went to dry my hair and everything.
Heheheh,took quite some time though /:
Walked to Compass Point,Jacqueline was already there and Jezebel had already gone home.
Lol,okay,sooooo,there's noo difference._.
Back to square one. Meet or don't meet also the same,lol.
Followed Huimin&Jacqueline to KFC to have their lunch/dinner.
Not sure which one.
While they were eating,I went up to Watsons to take a look at some stuffs.
Took MRT back to Hougang.
Went to Hougang Mall to meet Bi and Nova.
Huimin&Jacqueline then went home.
So we went arcade.
Played that Candy game.
Total waste of money,lol.
Nova had to go home.
Bi & I went to slack.
He then accompanied me to wait for bus.
Reached home at about 9 plus.
This morning,as usual,woke up at around 11.
Turned on the computer and had my breakfast/lunch.
Onlined,chatted with Bi.
Around 2plus,he went out.
Leaving me alone._.
Went over to Seraphina's house which is sooooooooo near to my house.
Did something which frigging unsuceeded.
Left her house at about 4plus.
Came home,spent 2hours plus in the toilet.
Ahhhhdamn! Got nothing to do._.
Then,went to watch televsion.
After 498741651984987915 days,I finally sat down for like 2hours to watch television ok!
I saw the advertisement on American got talent show.
Which was at 7.30pm.
Sooo was waiting for that time luh.
Soooo,while waiting,watched some discovery channel shows,heh.
When it was 7.30,I wanted to switch channel when my younger brother told me NOT to cause he wanna watch discovery channel.
Efff! So never mind.
Went parents's room,they were watching the channel 8 show. Damn!
Went to Grandma's room,she was watching that channel-U show.
The other room,youngest brother was watching his Kids Central.
I askeed ALLLLLLL of them for permission if I could watch American got talent,but all of them refused to.
Screeeeeeewthem lah,
All the televsions are unavailable.
Totally pathetic ok!
Came back online,blogshopped again.
Very bored I tell you.
Whole day did nothing online except for blogshopping & blogging currently.
Arghhh,still can't accept the fact that ALLLL of them refused to let me watch.
I need some xoxos/-
And I feel,
All this pain,
Stuffed it down,
It's back again.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :B I haven't been blogging for quite a few days hur.
Yesterday wasssssss,Friday. Uhuh,stayed at homeeeeee. Till 5plus, Went to Hougang,meet Bi,Jezebel,Huimin,Danny,Joel&company.
Bi and I went to slack at 302 while waiting for Esther&companyyyy. Walked to Hougang Mall food court. Had our dinner there. Was frigging full okaye.
Went down to Macs and look for Amelia,Esther&Bronna. Waited for them to finish their food,walked to 304 and slacked thereeee.
Left that place at about 10plus? Reached home around 10.40.
Messageed Bi and went to sleeeeeeep.
So this morning,I woke up at 10plus,11. Heh,was kinda late for training. So,had to rush. Met Clarissa,Peirong&Candice at Sengkang LRT. Took LRT to Farmway. Waited for manny people. Lol. A lot of them were late lor. -.- Training today was all-right. Did 6sets of 20multiples. Then,did normal lobs,smashes,drops,nets. Okay,whatever.
After training,took LRT back to Sengkang. Don't know what happened to the other loop,so had ti take one whoooole big round and back to Sengkang._. Frigging waste of time. Walked home from Compass Point.
Came online,went to bathe. Then,off to church for catechism. Had some sorta party. Because,last catechism lesson for the year. Heheheh,like finally!:)
Attended mass with Seraphina, Had dinner at Compass with my family. Dad fetched me home while they went to my cousin's house.
Oh,my cousin admitted to hospital AGAIN. >;
Shall reply to tags here,
TRAVINNN ; Lol,no need to ;x ♥ Yu Ke(: ; Hah,thanks! Last forever with him too manzxzx <3!>ger ; Heh,never pon luh. Is can't be bothered to go. Amelia ; Thanksthanks! <3zx>[♥]恨Jotina ; IMYT ! Andand,remember,we always suffer together._. undefined- ; Erm,I searched all over the net for it. Phoebe ; Haha :) [♥]恨Jotina ; Ahah,nowadays like got nothing to post about lor,hor? Okay laaah,whennnnnnnn,I am freeee. Heheh. :) `♥JEZEBEL ; Hiiiiiiiiiii,saw you tagging this tag though. Lol! ROWENA ; Aww,I can't make it lah! D: I got CCA. Imyt luh. Will tell you when I can make it hurrrrr <3zxzx.> Amelia ; Hi AMELIA :) ♥ 'SockChing ; What quiz ? :S Samuel ; Hello! You are Justin's Cousin?
I'm yours to keep/-
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Went Hougang to find Bi and Nova. Slacked at arcade then went to slack at 809. Nova had to go to Mcys so sent him to the Interchange.
Bi & I headed to Mall food court. Had Ice Kachang and was freezing cooold. ~!@#$%^&*@#%~!@#$%^&*@#%
Esther,Amelia,Yuke,Dylan,Danny&Joel then came. Went down to Long John. Then,Rina came. Headed to Harmony park with Bi.
Wanted to find Esther&company but couldn't see them in sight. Left harmony park at 7plus. Bi followed me to the interchange. Reached home at about 8.
P/s,there's some problems with blogger nowadays. Initially,I typed a long long post. But some problems cropped up. Sooooo,I backspaced everything and re-type a much shorter post. Damnyou,blogger. :(
_ e _ g your dad,don't keep on flirting ok. No mood you vixen _()_ I just don't know how to explain. Screeeeeeew your ass real badly,fucker. ):
Monday, November 3, 2008
I'm veeeeeeeeery lazy to update my blog nowadays. ;x Even now,so I'm just gonna blog a short one. ;x
Woke up at 11 this morning. Tried to come online,but the frigging ''troubleshoot'' pissed me off -.- Called Bi,then went to have my breakfast. Bathed and took a bus down to Hougang Interchange. Met Bi there and took 161 to Woodlands.
Reached Causeway point. Walked around.
Took MRT to CCK. Met blog shop people at CCK. Took MRT back to Woodlands and took 161 back to Hougang.
Went to food court. Then soon,Amelia,Rina,Yuke&Aaron came.
Bi's dad called. Came to fetch him. Took 27 to Compass point. To deposit some cash. Walked home.
15,currently still studying. :)
I do meet ups mostly at the Purple line!
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