Woke up at 5 am this morning ! /:
Immediately went to take a shower,prepared & everything.
Pfffffft,the weather this morning was pretty cold luh. o;
Walked to the bus stop.
Super creepy & scary luhhhhh.
Okay whateverrrrrrrrrrr,
Took 136 to Ang mo kio.
Like whoa,the journey's like 45mins-1hour long canszxzx! D:
Reached AMK hub at abouttttt,6.5o?
Had breakfast @ Macs with Nicolette.
Walked around Amk Hub though all the shops were closed.
Reached YioChuKang Sports hall at about 8.15.
Did stretchings,warm up&strokings while waiting for our match to start.
And damnit,they asked us to report to that place at 8.3oam yet our match started at about 1oplus.
Arghhhh, ;@
Okay anywayyyyyyyyyy, played doubles match against Xinmin.
Omgoshlah,first time we won Xinmin players laaaaaah!:)
Score was,21-15 & 21-1o.
Btwbtw,Joanne's pair from Xinmin won Nanyang!
Congrats yeah!:D
HAHAHA,I saw my ex-coach!
He look damn funny now! Pft,i think is because he's aging. LOL!
Plus the way he walkssssssss,like as if he's lame! D;
So i had a shower after the match.
VEEEEEEEEEEEEEH refreshingggggg!:D
Took a train to Amk. Walked around Amk Hub.
Then went to some void decks to play cards =_=
Some void decks near Nicolette's house.
and suddeenly,one of Nicolette's neighbour came and said,"Gimme your ICs."
And i thought he's actually a real police lor.
Soooooo,played for a while more then went to Nicolette's house.
Walked to Hub to buy something from NTUC.
Took 136 back to Hougang.
Met Bi:)
Saw Danny,Matias&Joel.
Had my dessert,
He accompanied me back to Sengkang.
Dang,i'm veeeeeeeeeeery lethargic now.
There's training tmr!
There's match on Wednesday!
There's training on Thursday!
There's training on Friday!
Whole september holidayyyyyy ))))):