Okay,i'm superbxzxzx tired with aches all over my body now. D':
Got woke up at by Melissa's message at 6plus & couldn't go back to sleep after that. /:
Went online,but no one was online.
Soooooo,walked around the house.
Slacked here & there.
Called Nicolette at about 9.3o and she just woke up ! :@
So i met Immjoo at Hougang Mall first.
Went to school to wait for Clarissa&Veron while waiting for Nicolette.
Walked to Hougang Sports hall.
Ahahaha,idk why we walked at a veeeery fast speed. LOL!
Ran 6rounds,multiples & front back footwork.
Nicolette & I were asked to play one doubles match against Immjoo&Erin.
&Then to play another match with Coach&Kaiyang.
Coach explained to us lotsaaaaaaa doubles stuffs cause Nicolette & I are pretty noob at playing doubles.
Left early for training,
Lunched at Macs,then took a cab down to Yio chu kang Mrt.
Walked to sports hall cause the driver doesn't knows how to get in there._.
Reached there,changed to our shoes and it's just nice,our turn to play.
This time round,we don't hafta wait. :D
Played agaisnt Singapore Chinese girls school.
Lost to them 17-21 for both games.
Anywayzxsxzx,i think the score's kinda close luh.
Gaahhh,they top national okayzxzxsz.
Sooooooo,after the match, Nicolette's junior kept asking us for our Signature,Photograph,Phone number&Hotmail.
Like as if we're those world star players._.
And they even asked us to sign on their watter bottles,towels and stuffs.
Was superbzxzsxz exhausted after the match. :/
Went to shower,
Walked around at Amk hub & central then headed home.
Gah,me not happy because of some issues!