Gah,I'm bored! D:
Anyway,Happy Birthday, Singapore!
And also,Happy Birthday, Meiyi! :D
Lemme tell you what i've done since morning till now.
It'd be veeeeeeeeeeery interesting~
Woke up at 1o.3o.
Switched on the computer.
Went to have my breakfast.
And sat in front of the computer till now.
Fyi,the time now is 9.46pm.
Interesting,isn't it?
Oh well,interesting in inverted commas lah,obviously! -.-
Chatting on msn with Hunny and some other friends.
Lol,have been collecting Hearts emotions~
And being soooooo bored, he told me to come and update my blog.
This is how i 'celebrate' National Day btw. -,-
Greattttt,I finally know who's that pervertic teacher alr!:D
Wthhhhhhhhh,i think he should be sacked! O:
I'm outta topic to blog about.
Sooooooo..i think i'm gonna end here. /:
Oh,thank God for creating blogger.
Or else,i'd be even bored-er. -.-
p/s,this still sucks! D:<