Alright,since i'm soooooo bored now, i shall post about yesterday as well .
Lessonsssssssss as usual .
Nothing much happened .
But for the last lesson, Maths .
Ms Ang Poh Bee was being damnit unreasonable for no reason . -.-
Firstly,she came late for for about 2o-3omins .
Started lesson,we were suppose to mark our homework & do corrections according whatever it's on the visualizer screen.
She went through damn fast.
So i said,Ms Ang can you slow down a bit?
And her reply was NO.
She keep telling my mom whenever i've got problems or when i don't understand,stop her and she'll try to help.
&Wthell,"NO" was her reply when i requested for her to go through slower.
Thanks hur,i appreciate that NO of yours.
So Me,Jezebel,HuiMin & Jacqueline started talking,
I forgot about what.
So Ms ang stop.
Okayluh,then we stopped talking.
The guys started talking,
Ms Ang once again stopped and said ,
We're only left with 5mins,you guys can stay with me till 5.
It's okay 'cause i'm very free.
Helloooooooo?~ Who was the one who was late for the lesson uh ? Then now you come and blame us-.-
And after awhile,Jezebel & Jacqueline were sent to the front by Ms Ang because they were chitchatting.
So only left with HuiMin & I .
I was bored.
So i 'read' out the words on her file.
It says,
"taketo theair"
These letters were coloured.
So i can't really see properly.
Guess what?
I read as ,
Oh well~
So i kinda went crazy after that and it lasted throughout the rest of the maths period.
Here comes another part whereby Ms Ang said "NO" to me again-,-
Ms Ang: Okay so these are the important dates that you guys should take note of.
Me: *Search for foolscap paper.
Ms Ang: {Said those dates and whatever necessary stuffs.}
Me: Huh?! *Turns to HuiMin to see if she did copy.*
Ms ang,can you show the piece of paper that you were reading from on the visualizer ?
Ms Ang: NO.
Me: Huh,why!!
Ms Ang: Because this is my personal stuff .
Was released 1omins later than we should ._.
Went Hougang Mall macs.
Esther&Bronna came.
Went back to school with Jezebel.
Wanted to wait for Bf's soccer to end.
But in the end,he called and tell me that he dint go.
So met him at HM's foodcourt.
Then Danny&Nova came after that.
Slacked there till 6plus.
Hun accompanied me back to Sengkang.
And he took 87 from some bustop.
So today,
Lessons were sucha boreeeeee ~ o:
Started with Maths lesson .
Had common test.
I'm gonna flunk,that's for sure.
I don't even know how to do a bloody complete question.
I don't know how am i going to face my parents with that kinda confirm-shitty-result.
I'm so gonna get screwedddd.
Awweefff! /:
Project workkkkkkkkk .
Hate that teacher luh.
Fancy trying to insult our class.
I don't give a damn as well.
Recess then Literature.
Literature is another lesson which will lead me to death outta boredom. :@
Science,lesson was in the whatever-lab.
Not bio/physics lab can alr.
Something like computer lab?
Then Ms How kept asking Jezebel to sit at the table with Deidre&gang.
But of course,no matter how hard you persuade Jezebel,she'll still never follow what you want her to do that she doesn't wantssss._.
Ms How asked us to sit seperately and started nagging luh.
Because we were not paying attention but doing our own things.
ohwait!!! But we were veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery quiet okay!
We dint talk that much. Even so,we were just whispering,talking veh softly.
After science lesson,Ms How talked to Melissa,Jezebel&I.
Aiyuh,same told stuffs.
Chinese after that.
Was busy reading my book.
Then went to HM with Hun.
Walked around and he accompanied me back to Sengkang.
Bah,that's allll.
Xo !